
Aviophobia, or the fear of flying, affects millions of people.
          	But not only are plane crashes incredibly rare, they also aren't even always fatal. In fact, between 1983 and 2000, 96% of people who were involved in plane crashes actually survived! It really is the safest way to travel.


I hope you enjoy it!


My grandma has that, so I barely see her unless I fly to visit her.  I’m actually going to go visit her in two weeks!!


Aviophobia, or the fear of flying, affects millions of people.
          But not only are plane crashes incredibly rare, they also aren't even always fatal. In fact, between 1983 and 2000, 96% of people who were involved in plane crashes actually survived! It really is the safest way to travel.


I hope you enjoy it!


My grandma has that, so I barely see her unless I fly to visit her.  I’m actually going to go visit her in two weeks!!


The Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II is a single-seat, twin-turbofan, straight-wing, subsonic attack aircraft developed by Fairchild Republic for the United States Air Force (USAF). In service since 1977, it is named after the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, but is commonly referred to as the "Warthog" or simply "Hog". The A-10 was designed to provide close air support (CAS) to ground troops by attacking enemy armored vehicles, tanks, and other ground forces; it is the only production-built aircraft designed solely for CAS to have served with the U.S. Air Force. Its secondary mission is to direct other aircraft in attacks on ground targets, a role called forward air controller-airborne; aircraft used primarily in this role are designated OA-10.


The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3 (Russian: Микоян и Гуревич МиГ-3) is a Soviet fighter-interceptor used during World War II. It was a development of the MiG-1 by the OKO (opytno-konstruktorskij otdel — Experimental Design Department) of Zavod (Factory) No. 1 in Moscow to remedy problems found during the MiG-1's development and operations.


During World War II, British intelligence spread the rumor that the Royal Air Force pilots enjoyed superior night vision because they ate copious amounts of carrots. Spoiler: it was a total lie. The truth was the RAF was using their newly invented radar to spot German planes in the dark. It was a massive military secret, and in order to keep German intelligence "in the dark" they made up the carrot fact.
          Just to be clear, vitamin A in carrots is good for eye health...it just probably won’t help you detect enemy airplanes in the dark.


The fruit orange isn’t named after the color; it’s the other way around. Before the late 15th century, orange was considered a shade of red. That's right: until the Renaissance, "yellow-red" was the only term the English language had for orange.


The Tallest Mountain On Earth?
          Everest has nothing on this.
          The Nepalese Mountain might get all the attention, but Mauna Kea in Hawaii is actually technically the tallest mountain in the world...if you measure from base to summit (rather than from the sea level. The only thing holding Mauna Kea back is that it's mostly under water.


You got a discord pookie?


My discord is nyxismylifeline, ill add you rn


@Jinxuscrimes Indeed I do! Sorry for not replying sooner, but it was 2:00 am for me and I was asleep. My username is "tazzyday" if you want to add me! Tell me yours first so I don't accidentally decline. You might be asleep now but yeah. 