
I might aswell give you all the new and improved chapter 1 for the origins of mulla!


hi guys! I could see that lots of people sort of did not enjoy the story "the origins of mulla" I took another read though and I could see why! it is not long nor is it detailed! so I am working on improving it to make it much better! thank you all for reading it in the first place!


hey guys! I'm working on a book called "a broken girl", thanks to Lil_Ink_Demon for giving me the idea for Error and Fresh! don't worry, ya'll, Mulla will be in this story!


and of course, it won't have like 30 or so chapters, I don't have that big of an imagination and time :3


hey guys! I'm thinking of making another short book about Mulla, what do you think? if @Lil_Ink_Demon was okay with it (we're friends) I could make a story with fresh and error meeting mulla? maybe Mulla is hurting Fresh and Error has only just found out?


@Fabulously_Friends dude, you don't need to ask for permission, just asking as we know that Mulla is apart of the story to begin with. Not suddenly appearing and being OP