
R.I.P to My Brother Fabian I know he had a lot a friend on here. May God be with him 


What happend to him


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August 14th 2016.
          So, I met you on this date. Not a long time when you joined Wattpad. But I have to say something. You're absolutely amazing. Thank you for everything. I seriously feel so blessed. You have no idea how much I am happy because of your ass. I can't explain how I feel.
          You just have done alot. For me. You're absolutely amazing, kind, such an beautiful human being. I hate when you cry nor frown.
          Thank you. For everything. You really just need
          this information from me. I can't hold it back
          anymore. I would write a long message with
          just saying "I love you." Because I really do.
          You're a brother too me. A team. A hero. 
          Everything. And I'm surprised you're seriously
          are actually still with my stupid ass. I try & try
          to not ask alot from you. I wish the best for you
          Fabian. I'm so proud of you. So proud. I know that your mom, dad, grandma, would be proud.
          You taught me alot. I can't be more greatful.
          To be honest with you, I never actually had a 
          friend that we had a date that we met. You have 
          made me a better person. You know everything 
          about me. I love you man. I seriously do. Now
          I'm crying because of this post. I love you Fabian. Just remember that. Hope you better with that cold of yours lol.
          [I swear to God if you delete this imma beat your ass. Love you. :) ]


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@-aestheticland- awe...... Much love sister ❤ best friend and thank you for always being there and dealing with my dumbass 