
Can you do a Raphael Santiago imagine where the reader is a vampier dating Raphael and she is out helping Simon with something and on they way back to the hotel she finds a mundane baby abandoned in an ally and she takes the baby back to the hotel and Raphael is absolutely furious but then starts warming up to the baby and call the baby his daughter/ son whatever you prefer :) 


Hiya! Thanks for voting on my story, I hope you like it :)


@Fa_la_do_mi aw I can't even tell you how happy I am. You're so kind! And no you don't look like a creep at all. Thank you so much, you're really nice :) :) :) :)


@Aimee_Whittle ohh, i really hope you'll be a famous writer :) i would read all of your books. 
            ahahaha i know, i might look like a creep but trust me i am not. XD i just really love the book. btw you're welcome :) best of luck


@Fa_la_do_mi omg thank you so much! Your compliments mean a lot to me, and I'm glad you like it. I'd love to get it published, but I don't really know much about that as I'm only fourteen haha. Maybe when I'm older ;)
            Thanks again for your compliments and all of your votes, you're reading through it pretty quickly haha XD


and pls do read and vote my novel as well thank u again x


@zainlovexx thanks! oh yeah sure I will too x


@zainlovexx of course i will read and vote every work of yours... But please check mine too.. bye