
FINALLY!!! For two long years and three months I had to wait for one of my Fanfictions to reach the 1K mark. Thank you so much to all readers. That really means a lot to me. ❤️


Hey. To all my non-German-speaking followers who have read my stories. - I know my English isn’t the best, but should I still go on with the translations or not? I'm thinking seriously about whether I should stop it. What do you all mean? Please be honest with me!


@FF-Fan201 Please don't stop with your translations. Your English will get better and better the more you translate your stories. x


"Take That - WE GOTTA LIVE FOR THESE DAYS - Pictures" has reached the 5K mark!! 
          Thanks to all who helped me. 
          With pictures to work and also at 200 chapters it's very easy to reach the 1K mark, but I would also like it to have a story for me. ...It would be a dream. PLEASE HELP ME TO MAKE THIS DREAM COME TRUE !!! 
          You don't know how much it takes me time and energy to translate my stories into English. In every Story, all my heart blood is in it.


Wow!! I can't believe it. "Take That - WE GOTTA LIVE FOR THESE DAYS - Pictures" has just reached the 4K mark!! 
          Thanks to all who helped me. 
          With pictures to work and also at 200 chapters it is easy to reach the 1K mark, but I would also like it to have a story for me. ...It would be a dream. 


@sophie06080    Oh, vielen Dank dafür.  =) 
          Ich finde es halt irgendwie schön, wenn man alle Kriterien hier ausnutzt und somit dem Ganzen ein gewissen Flair zu geben. 
          Wenn jemand hier meine Geschichten mehr als einmal ließt, dann habe ich mein Ziel erreicht. Wobei ich nebenbei gestehen muss, dass ich sogar hin und wieder mal meine eigene Storys lese.  ;-)
          Natürlich versuche ich mein Bestes, dir und auch meinen anderen Lesern, weiterhin gute Storys zu liefern und wer weiß, vielleicht schreibe ich irgendwann mal eine Fortsetzungsgeschichte zu "Bird In Your Hand".  ;-)
          LG FF-Fan201     xx