
YALL THE FIRST PART TO THE REWRITE IS ON HERE RIGHT NOW GO READ IT NOW! I have to figure out how to use AO3 before I can post it there but hopefully yall on here enjoy the first part!!!!


Hello my readers! I finally got the AO3 invite! I have decided to change my pen name to Mae Skye on here so it matches my pen name on AO3! I am in the process of moving and working so I have to upload the first part of the rewrite tonight, which is later than expected but trust me when I say this rewrite has been written to the best of my abilities! The first part is a little bit shorter than I would hope it to be but I assure you the rest of the rewrite will have parts as long as chapters in a book! Thank you all so much for reading!


Hey y'all, I didn't realize that in order to get an archive of our own profile you get added to a waitlist. A03 said my invite will be sent the 18th. So should be able to release chapter one of the rewrite to A03 and here on the 18th. It gives me a few days to do any touch ups to chapter one that I want to do and also add extra to chapter one.


Hey yall of you can see this reply! if I get 3 replies from different people I can upload the first chapter to the way he feels rewritten TONIGHT! So if yall really want to see this, I suggest commenting ;)




psst, if this doesnt get enough replies (this reply doesn't count lol) I'm gonna upload the first chapter tomorrow night on Archive of Our Own! so look forward to that!


Hey I know I haven't been on in a hot minute but the way he feels rewrite is in the works as we speak! There is gonna be quite a few changes, mainly with the pacing, time of year, and what grade the characters are in (I'm making them seniors just to age them up a bit and make the whole scourge living in his own apartment believable.) But I am doing my research into not only the characters but also other things that are important to the characters. My rough outline for chapter 1 of the story is being worked on right now as well as me polishing up the basic plot of the story. I can't wait to share this project with you all!


Oh one more thing! I am going to be uploading the story to A03 as well as here. Just incase you guys prefer to read fics there instead of here. Also to reach wider audience.


if you guys are interested I have the rough outline written up digitally if you all are curious about the basic story changes. I might make it so Scourge lives with an aunt of his or something rather than on his own, that way it also makes more sense for Miles to be living with him. Miles can be like a sort of foster brother to scourge. these are the things I'm working on polishing up on rather than just spewing out randomness and hoping it makes sense. I'm really trying to do my best with this one. I even set out rules I have to follow so the story is the best I can make it.


Hello.. I know I've been gone for quite some time but I'm back. But I'd like to run an idea by you all real quick. I've been considering rewriting the way he feels. I'd keep all the basic story plot points and everything but I'd rewrite it with more research and better planning. I'm 18 now, I started the way he feels when I was around 13-14 and I'd like to think that my writing style has improved over those 4 years. When I read my old story parts I made back then I cringe because I know that I could write them so much better now. It'd be fairly slow because well I have adult responsibilities now but seeing the joy and energy for this old story you all have gives me joy and I really want to work on it again because it was a huge passion project of mine for years but if I were to work on it again it would HAVE to be a rewrite because I can't stand how I wrote when I was 13.  But I'd want you all to make the decision because my main motivation for this story is from you guys reading it. Let me know what you think and I'll get writing it as soon as I get the ok from you all! Thank you all for the continued support and I promise I'll truly work on it this time around!


happy Halloween! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been really stressed about everything and I can't focus on anything including school. I've written the whole plot again but I cant delete it by accident this time. I'll try to update this upcoming week, but i'm not going to make any promises. This upcoming week is also probably going to be extremely stressful for me (because according to the USA my rights are something for political debate) so if I don't update next week that's probably why. Sorry that this isnt very positive news but honestly what news recently has been positive?