
Hello my wonderful readers, hope your Spring Break is going well. I have been waiting for this for so long and just wanted to check in and see how you guys are doing. In the mean time, I am trying to be more active in here like I used to be. And yeah, just wanted to see how everyone is doing. And I will talk to you guys, later. Bye! 


Keep doing what you’re doing Morgan take care of yourself love you lots !!
          ❤️ur bestie Debs


@Morgan08LL of course and I’ll try 


@Sillyshygirl25 thank you, Besite! And take good care of yourself too!


Hello my wonderful readers, hope your Spring Break is going well. I have been waiting for this for so long and just wanted to check in and see how you guys are doing. In the mean time, I am trying to be more active in here like I used to be. And yeah, just wanted to see how everyone is doing. And I will talk to you guys, later. Bye! 


          Sorry for plugging in but I just want to recommend my series   
          You can give it a try if you have spare time. 
          Thank you in advance <3 
          I hope you find them interesting! 
          FOLLOW ME Vote, Comment, Share please
          It would be so much to me.
          I will dedicate a chapter to you when you put a comments on chapters 
          and I will mention you on the final book for thank you for comments,votes,Sharing my books
          Bye, Bye


@ALBWesternAustralia no problem at all I’ll be happy to check your series and leave any comments and votes. 


Hi! My wonderful readers! Your girl is back, ok so I have some updates that I want to inform: 
          the 1. Update I would like to announce, is that 8th grade is about over, I had to pick my classes for my freshman year in high school. And guys.. I’m not ready for high school. And my friends feel the same way, and I just this feeling in my chest. I can’t handle the stress of it. 
          2 update: The reason for my absence of being on Wattpad and some days of school, is because my dog caught parvo and literally cried the moment I found out at the vet. However, the good thing was that it was in a early stage. And Mia ( my dog) had a good chance of surviving it. And today, she is over it and is doing  so much better. 
          So those are the only updates I have, and was wondering how you guys been? Honestly I have missed y’all so much and this community. And was wondering if any of you guys have any advice for Freshman year. But I hope you guys have a good day/night and will talk to you guys another time bye!


Hello! My wonderful readers, it’s been a little bit. Huh? So how everyone doing? Is y’all’s weekend going good so far? Don’t know about you guys, but my week has been… ugh! Stressful and hardworking, I am thankful that I am going to my bestie’s house for a sleepover today and going to have so much fun. 
          I don’t have any updates, announcements, or anything at all. Just wanted to hi to all of my besties and hope you have a good day. And I will talk to my wonderful readers later on tonight so have a good day guys!


Hello my wonderful readers! It’s me your girl is back! My gosh it’s been a like a thousand years since I’ve been on here, I want to apologize for my lack of activity. A lot of things have been happening for the past month or so. But I’m officially back in the game, and I miss you guys so much! So for my comeback to this app and to start writing again. 
          I am going to publish a book full of poems, now I have been fascinated by poems and wanted to start writing some of my own. I am not a professional in writing poems. So I have know idea if I am writing them right or not. 
          So I am going to Publish the first poem for my poem book, called Violin and I hope you guys enjoy it, don’t hesitate to comment and vote, and for now I will talk to you guys in another few hours so and enjoy reading bye! 


Hey guys, it’s me your girl is back! I would like to deeply apologize for my absence of being on here. I have been busy visiting and spending the holidays with my family and friends. And would like to say Merry Christmas to all of my wonderful readers. I hope you guys have a good Christmas and a happy new year. And hope you all get a lot of presents, and hope you all stay safe and see you guys next time bye! 


@sillyshygirl23 awww that’s wonderful! 


@sillyshygirl23 thanks hope you and your girlfriend are doing well


@sillyshygirl23 fine, how have you been lately?


OMG! 61 followers! I’m screaming! Thank you guys so much for the follows, you all made my day. And Merry Christmas to everyone, hope you guys are doing well. I am so sorry I have been away for so long, mostly because of school, and homework. But I’m back and hope you guys stay safe out there. See y’all next time bye!