
Will Update Prince Jackson Overland Frost, now (Snowflakes Meant to Be) in the near future so please be patient !!!:)


          	  Oh my gosh same! I have that exact problem actually. There’ll be the sparse moments where I get this burst of inspiration, but after I write it into my drafts for my outline, it kind of sputters out and then I’ll read it a few days later and be like wait, what was I going on about? XD Ugh, and all of the AP work I have definitely doesn’t help. Like I’ve been planning one of my future books for like 2 months now and I’ve written nearly the entire outline, but haven’t actually started on the story bc I’ve been so busy with school and then my inter perfectionism paralyzes me from doing my best and just starting...
          	  You’re welcome! I’m glad my over curiosity was able to at least helped someone XD


@VictoriaAuthor-chan  Lol it’s cool, no worries. And yeah it’s hard balance to figure out. Like sometimes I have no motivation, when I want to write other times I have all this motivation and inspiration when I don’t want to right XD. It’s honestly so annoying. And thank you for the compliment, I have a lot of other ideas  but I would hate to just to start one without finishing my old stories. And I’ll definitely try to work with my writing schedule as I approach break, thanks to you! So thank you for the motivation! 


          	  Don’t worry about it! As a student myself I totally understand, it’s so hard to prioritize school & also find the time to write (something I struggle with myself actually). And yeah! Your book is really good! I’ve only read a handful of Jelsa stories I’ve actually liked, & your book is definitely one of my favorites. I actually read it a few months ago & just was curious to ask about it. I hope I wasn’t bothering you in any way ^^


Will Update Prince Jackson Overland Frost, now (Snowflakes Meant to Be) in the near future so please be patient !!!:)


            Oh my gosh same! I have that exact problem actually. There’ll be the sparse moments where I get this burst of inspiration, but after I write it into my drafts for my outline, it kind of sputters out and then I’ll read it a few days later and be like wait, what was I going on about? XD Ugh, and all of the AP work I have definitely doesn’t help. Like I’ve been planning one of my future books for like 2 months now and I’ve written nearly the entire outline, but haven’t actually started on the story bc I’ve been so busy with school and then my inter perfectionism paralyzes me from doing my best and just starting...
            You’re welcome! I’m glad my over curiosity was able to at least helped someone XD


@VictoriaAuthor-chan  Lol it’s cool, no worries. And yeah it’s hard balance to figure out. Like sometimes I have no motivation, when I want to write other times I have all this motivation and inspiration when I don’t want to right XD. It’s honestly so annoying. And thank you for the compliment, I have a lot of other ideas  but I would hate to just to start one without finishing my old stories. And I’ll definitely try to work with my writing schedule as I approach break, thanks to you! So thank you for the motivation! 


            Don’t worry about it! As a student myself I totally understand, it’s so hard to prioritize school & also find the time to write (something I struggle with myself actually). And yeah! Your book is really good! I’ve only read a handful of Jelsa stories I’ve actually liked, & your book is definitely one of my favorites. I actually read it a few months ago & just was curious to ask about it. I hope I wasn’t bothering you in any way ^^


Please Help me Pick a New Title for my Jelsa Fanfic Prince Jackson Overland Frost !!! Go to my Profile and vote on the link !!! Also pm or just message me here if the link is not working !!!!  Please Vote , I would love to get my readers and followers in the choosing of the New Title !!!


So I will be taking a temporary leave from Wattpad, meaning no reading,checking notifications, or writing whatsoever. I just need to revalue everything I'm doing, so no biggie. I won't end my stories and let them waste away....Anyway, see you guys !