
New story breh!! (idk why im making another story when i haven't even finished my last one.... whatever lol) and yes it's like, 1:48 AM where I am but I DUN CARE! ight, imma head out. BAIIIIII


YEEEEEEAH BOIIIIIII!! JUST FINISHED DRAWING THE BANNER FOR MY PAGEEEEE!!! i think it looks pretty cool tbh. and WOW! i got ranked #154 in "flowey" on my most recent story!! I think thats the best i've ever gotten! ight, imma head out. I'm probably gonna watch Jacksepticeye or something. BYEEEE


OMGAWD They Unblocked WaTtPaD oN tHe ChRoMeBoOoOoOoOoOkS!!!!1 I can type nowwwwwww! yaYA!


um out chrome books have been unblocked since the day we got out  i've been using it for 2 weeks sorry you just found out


I’m sorry but I can’t go on here to write anymore because the school took out the program on our chromebooks that I used to hack into them :( so I can probably only write when I go to my grandmas house which is on Wednesdays and weekends sorry guys...