
Happy Pride Month️‍


Hello, I love your story so incredibly much and I just have an question. It says you updated, but when I click on it it says it is not found. I just didn’t know if you got rid of the chapter, or are still editing it, or even if it’s just a glitch. I just wanted to ask just Incase.


@EtnHClaw  That is completely alright, I was just curious. We all accidentally make mistakes, I can wait to read it. So joust take your time, because you’re health is way more important.


Thank you so much! I’m happy to hear you like the story. My apologies, I was reading things over and seeing what I have to edit which is quite a bit. I accidentally pressed the publish button so that’s on me.


To add on, I hope you just take it slow and update when you feel like it. Don’t stress yourself out over it. It’s your story so take it at your own pace.


Hello, me again. I guess your busy or something like that because everyone is. I was just wondering when you’ll finish editing/ finish writing the next chapter after tangled web, your story is amazing ✨✨.
          ( also quick question why does it say you have 0 followers? ) 


My apologies, I haven’t been active as well as working on it due to a tumble with my mental health once more. I don’t have as much of the motivation that I had prior to continue editing it as I fell out of the fandom but I will try to do so in the future or on weekends. 
            (It may just be a glitch)


Hi, I just read your story, it’s amazing! ✨✨, no pressure but when will you be continuing/ finish editing the story ( it’s fine if your not ) 


Thank you for reading :)


My apologies for not updating! I’ll try to work on it this weekend. Just been a bit busy and lacked motivation.


Sorry guys, gals, and non-binary pals! 
          I haven’t been able to edit the ETN book as much as I planned due to feeling under the weather. I’ll try to edit as soon as I can. I hope you all have a wonderful day and stay safe :)