
Hey y’all! Long time no see. So, let me start off by apologizing to all of you for barely adding any parts to the two Miraculous fanfics that I have posted. It’s obviously been a long time since I could find a moment to get back to them. During this period of time that I was gone, I have worked on different things and types of art. I have also been through some bad stuff, and I have considered making some sort of a story about all that, but every story on Wattpad needs an end, so until that’s here, none of that will happen.
          	I hope that all of you are doing great, and I am happy to announce that I will be uploading much more frequently from now on. People from Serbia (or anyone who understands the language for that matter) should feel free to check out my most recent story, which I might translate to English at some point, if others would like me to. That’s all for now, thank you for being patient with me


Hey y’all! Long time no see. So, let me start off by apologizing to all of you for barely adding any parts to the two Miraculous fanfics that I have posted. It’s obviously been a long time since I could find a moment to get back to them. During this period of time that I was gone, I have worked on different things and types of art. I have also been through some bad stuff, and I have considered making some sort of a story about all that, but every story on Wattpad needs an end, so until that’s here, none of that will happen.
          I hope that all of you are doing great, and I am happy to announce that I will be uploading much more frequently from now on. People from Serbia (or anyone who understands the language for that matter) should feel free to check out my most recent story, which I might translate to English at some point, if others would like me to. That’s all for now, thank you for being patient with me


Well, my dear ones, I finally published a new chapter! I am extremely sorry for not updating for so long, but I had a lot of things to do in the past couple of months. I hope you understand. Another chapter will be coming very, very soon. I hope you enjoy this one. Happy reading, my loves!




@MiraculousSheerio Yeah, I’m not very big on YouTube. I only watch it for Tal, the Dolans, and anything music-related. 


@733crystal3951 lol i also watch like, 3-4 youtubers and he's one of them so


@MiraculousSheerio And he’s only one of the two youtubers I actually watch! He’s life. My life, at least.


GUYS!! Another chapter of "College Life:Miraculpus Ladybug" has been posted! Now, maybe not many of you will read it since the moment we are all awaiting for in the actual show has happened here, but I assure you, it's gonna be a wild ride even after this. I hope you enjoy the story, and I'll try to update more since I'm on holidays. Love ya