
I'm sorry I haven't posted anything new lately.  Life has gotten in the way and I haven't been feeling it. I've written and rewritten the same chapter of Filter several times and finally just had to put it down.  I'm sorry guys 


The internet here hasnt been very stable due to the weather. So i guess wattpad got affected too


Not sure why the app isn't posting my emojis. I gave you both purple hearts. Thank you for reading and thank you for being so patient with me! 


I want namjoon too


@mikaellaKTHKNJ2614 Namjoon is done (as is Seokjin) but I removed them due to an incident recently in order to back them up........I have to protect my writings and ensure they won't disappear forever. ;)  I am slowly working to get everything back up but it does take time since I have a full time job in addition to writing. :)  Plus, sadly, I've been so busy trying to get these backed up, I've had no time for anything new. :(  I'm dying to write!!!  lol.  But yes, Namjoon is coming back. ;)


When are you going to continue the mermaid book?


ahh thats no problem, HWAITING!!!


@yoongiismyheartu I do have hopes to continue and finish it but for the time being, Mermaid is on hold. It's a complicated storyline and I prefer to wait until I feel like I can really do it justice. 


I'm sorry I haven't posted anything new lately.  Life has gotten in the way and I haven't been feeling it. I've written and rewritten the same chapter of Filter several times and finally just had to put it down.  I'm sorry guys 


The internet here hasnt been very stable due to the weather. So i guess wattpad got affected too


Not sure why the app isn't posting my emojis. I gave you both purple hearts. Thank you for reading and thank you for being so patient with me! 


Sorry I haven't updated recently!!  This is always my busiest time of year between work, kids, Christmas preparations, etc.  I just updated Filter and had the first half of Chapter 5 written almost immediately after I wrote Chapter 4. The rest had been in my mind since then but simply finding the time to sit down and write has been challenging! I already have Chapter 6 in my mind. I hope to get it written in the next day or two! I'll do my best. Just please bear with me if it takes longer than I plan! Life never stops! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday! Thank you for reading and for following me!