
××Beep Boop!××
          	We are still at school, so replies will be slow for a few more hours.
          	××Boop Beep!××


Okay I'm really sorry I didn't mean to bring it up I didn't see that announcement I'm really sorry erro it's just I didn't know. And I feel a bit hurt so yeah I'm not Gonna be talking here anymore goodbye have a good day and life it's just that I'm 12 I don't really wanna have to feel bad everytime I just make a mistake because I don't check people's accounts a lot and I was on break but I felt that instead of you being rude to me you could have just ignored me or said that you were uncomfortable because you really did hurt me I don't honestly think I was in the wrong I was just curious so that I knew what they did just in case and I didn't have bad intentions and I was on break for my mental health I get being annoyed and it being a sensitive topic but please learn to control you're anger around people who didn't do anything you can really hurt people anyways goodbye. Have a good day/night.
          I hope you are doing well and you're friend.


@maris_alt plus I'm a really sensitive person so people yelling or getting angry triggers me. It reminds me of certain people so this account is a bit of a trigger now so goodbye. 