
Did I just have the sudden urge to change Luke (my original Marvel character)'s entire character dynamic? Yes. Will I do it? Maybe. Stay tuned folks LOL.


Thank you so much for voting on Witch Doctors Inc :)


@Erinwantstobattle Thank you. Your comment makes me really happy :) And no problem, I really like the idea for Dreamcatchers! 


No problem, it’s really well written! Honestly it gives me vibes of Rick Riordan’s work and, uh, whoever created Sailor Moon haha. And thank you for voting on Dreamcatchers, it means a lot!


Hey everyone! I just finished editing Chapter Fourteen of Washed Away, and even though the editing was minor, I really enjoy this new version of the dialogue between Luke and Kara. Hopefully through the editing I'll continue to be doing, I'll be able to delve further into our new villain's story, and maybe even get you guys to sympathize with him just as much as Loki. 
          Thanks for your support!


I’ve just updated Chapter Five of Washed Away! The initial scene between Kara and Jared went much, much differently, and I’ve gotta say that I prefer it over the original. Go give it another read (or maybe your first read if you haven’t already)!


Hi everyone! If you've been keeping up with my AU Washed Away, I just wanted to let you know that it's currently under major editing! I've unpublished some chapters so that way the two plots don't get mixed up, and if you've already read most of it, I'd suggest going back and re-reading. I've slowed the pace down quite a lot, as well as expounded on a particular character dynamic, and I hope you guys like the changes :)