
Wow, Hamilton 


Hello! I have been reading your story "Becoming Éponine" and I love it! Your writing makes me really believe the characters are real, for a second i thought you, the author was the main character! GREAT story! I wish I could go to athena's school!


I miss you guys @jasminecat99 @avengethebarricade @song_of_tomorrow and pretty much everyone 


@Eponine-Thenardier aww i miss you too! well i'm still checking my dms so just message me if you want to talk x


Hello everyone I'm sorry for not updating but I don't feel like I really want to write becoming enjy anymore  everything is really stressing me out and I feel really bad but I think I might take it down, I'm stressed about it living up to the first one and I might want to start a new project; what do u guys think?