
Hello there! I realize I haven’t posted or mentioned anything on here any time recently! 
          	There is a continuous question I seem to receive out of curiosity for readers of my story “Hear Me Out.” This question is incredibly understandable, as the story ended considerably abrupt.
          	Yes, there was going to be a 13th chapter to the story that featured the ultimate depiction of Harry and Hermione’s relationship! However, before I began writing it, I fell into a really bad writer’s block that I lost all motivation towards writing any stories. 
          	I am just getting back into writing slowly but surely, and I decided to end Hear Me Out due to lack of perseverance. However, I cannot promise anything, but in the distant future, once I reread the story and get an in depth description of how my imagination formatted the story, I will attempt to possibly come up with the final chapter! It is sitting in my drafts unwritten, with a few sentences and a title! 
          	Again, my apologies for the disappointment of the sudden ending, and I realize they never got the ending they deserved! But like I said, it was difficult for me to continue doing anything I admired and that story unfortunately fell under that category. 
          	If you have any questions regarding any of my stories, social medias, or me as a person, don’t be afraid to ask! I’m all ears.
          	Thank you guys so much for your constant support and understanding. I cannot believe we have reached 36,000 reads on Hear Me Out. It is so unbelievable. It was my one dream to ever achieve, is to become successful and have a heap of people enjoy what I document and what flows through my imagination. I am so so happy and cannot express my appreciation again.
          	I love you all so much, and I hope you have a great Christmas! 


Hello there! I realize I haven’t posted or mentioned anything on here any time recently! 
          There is a continuous question I seem to receive out of curiosity for readers of my story “Hear Me Out.” This question is incredibly understandable, as the story ended considerably abrupt.
          Yes, there was going to be a 13th chapter to the story that featured the ultimate depiction of Harry and Hermione’s relationship! However, before I began writing it, I fell into a really bad writer’s block that I lost all motivation towards writing any stories. 
          I am just getting back into writing slowly but surely, and I decided to end Hear Me Out due to lack of perseverance. However, I cannot promise anything, but in the distant future, once I reread the story and get an in depth description of how my imagination formatted the story, I will attempt to possibly come up with the final chapter! It is sitting in my drafts unwritten, with a few sentences and a title! 
          Again, my apologies for the disappointment of the sudden ending, and I realize they never got the ending they deserved! But like I said, it was difficult for me to continue doing anything I admired and that story unfortunately fell under that category. 
          If you have any questions regarding any of my stories, social medias, or me as a person, don’t be afraid to ask! I’m all ears.
          Thank you guys so much for your constant support and understanding. I cannot believe we have reached 36,000 reads on Hear Me Out. It is so unbelievable. It was my one dream to ever achieve, is to become successful and have a heap of people enjoy what I document and what flows through my imagination. I am so so happy and cannot express my appreciation again.
          I love you all so much, and I hope you have a great Christmas! 


         Hey guys, I know it has been quite a while and I am so enthusiastic to see how far “Hear Me Out” has come within these past two years. Thank you guys so much for everything you have given me in order to accomplish this. I just wanted to let you guys know that, yes, I did go completely MIA during a long duration of time, but I fell out of writing habits and into the wrath of school, social interactions, and overall a blank mindset whenever it comes to new concepts. I used to be filled with story ideas and I still am, but I am suffering through writer’s block and constructing these words into heart-wrenching fictions has become more difficult as time has progressed. But since this quarantine is currently present for all of us, I am attempting to come up with new projects and really focus a lot on my writing and everything like I used to. 
                   I did get caught up in many crucial events, some very negative, and some are moments of realization. I hope to have new projects and stories ready soon, or sometime in the near future. 
                   If you do have any questions regarding “Hear Me Out,” than those can definitely be answered on any of my social media’s. I do understand that there are some confusing aspects, but you guys have to put into account that I wrote the story out of the blue, and I am human too and forget the proper names for objects and different character traits. And that is alright. But there are some questions and I might clarify them sometime in the future on a public post to minimize the amount of repetitive questions I receive. I look forward to answering all of them, and I thank you guys so much on all of your support and your feedback! Thank you, I love you so much, and I will be back soon to hopefully release more frequent and advanced chapters soon. :) Love you guys with all of my heart. 


@mionestears Yuppp, it definitely sucks and I am very glad you understand. They come at the worst possible times and knock off guard but it happens. And don’t thank me! It’s my pleasure! <3


no biggie! yeah ik how hard writer blocks it. I've been through writer blocks for several times. And thanks for responding <33


Hey! I was wondering if you would be able to check out my book The Rockhounds. It’s a work in progress but I am looking for some feedback and constructive criticism in order to improve my writing. Let me know what you think!


Hahah, I am assuming you read the previous convos on my message board about constructive criticism! However, I am quite ecstatic to read and help guide the writing of your story, and your story in general! Thank you so much for leaving a comment, and I will check it out soon! 


Hi there! 
          It would mean a lot if you take a look at my new book "Black and White". Looking forward to seeing your votes and comments :)  


Heya there, I will be willing to give your book a try. However, I am very picky with books and I do hand out a lot of constructive criticism but I’m sure I’ll like it. Let me take a look at the description to receive a better understanding and you will know if I enjoyed it if I commented and voted. Thank you for sharing, and of course I will check it out! Any book you guys tell me to check out, I most likely will. 