
Please read the messages
          Hey I just wanted to tell you I have an idea for story it isn’t a Izuku one it’s an idea for pretty much Yu-Gi-Oh so in this idea maybe like everyone’s female well alley saw the main characters
          If you watch this youtuber then you’ll understand who it is it’s called tearofgrace maybe that’s actually a Yu-Gi-Oh card but there’s like only one in existence and no one actually has ever heard of it and Pegasus did kind of make it but only those with a pure heart can do that and with good intentions and Pegasus or should I say Miss Pegasus can see the soul of like kruk blood axe if you don’t know who that is the look up the best of kruk blood axe So to Pegasus surprise The writings actually was being written down and that cart is so much stronger than the Gyptian god cards because it doesn’t matter how much you actually I’ll tell you the abilities
          So the first ability is like well whenever he summons he actually you actually need like to sacrifice your entire hand just to summon him
          And whenever he does get some and he just walks out into the field from a portal looking around he will obviously disappear after the battle is over but that’s only because he’s not like completely see you in a while he needs to be like kind of have all the Egyptian items equal they will obviously go back to their owner but that’s it just gives him enough power to actually be able to be a real thing or person in the world instead of like a ghost
          So anyways his abilities are pretty much at first he actually has only 500 and 500 like attack and HP and during every round


@Epic-Sleeper well hey you can always still start watching Yu-Gi-Oh slowly and try and like get maybe determined to watch it so you know exactly what happens or maybe what you could do is like watch the first few episodes and then whenever you’re ready to start making chapter 1 for example you can start writing it and then you can continue doing that for example like whenever you wanna make a chapter you can probably let you so you can start like riding chapters while watching it pretty much like you can start for example you can watch episode one through five and then you can start writing the chapters that way
            Also and maybe during like chapter 1 through I do not know what maybe three well video and I mean episode one through three in the actual anime
            That’s one of her Pegasus well kind of shows I think his millennium item and he says you are the perfect host for the deer old the strongest card I’ve ever made and then a card kind of flew into his deck or her deck I should say that’s just a continuation kind of except it happened in like the first chapter pretty much
            But yeah this is my idea because you can start watching Yu-Gi-Oh slowly whenever you want to make a chapter and then during while you’re Making a chapter so you remember what’s happening because you can just like start watching the first episode and watch another episode after that so you know exactly what to write and what they say if you get my I


@nathaneskell hey I really like this idea but sadly I haven't watched Yu-Gi-Oh in like six years. I don't think I'm best person for this sorry.


Now the Dino dulest she only has one star chip left
            And that’s whenever The harpy duelist came in and then Yama started talking to like Joey and kruk only they can see him not female Joey don’t know a good female name for him but I’m talking about the two that share a body only they can see him because they were the millennium item and they started talking about they both want then her I mean
            The card or the soul pretty much is completely fine with him getting borrow to a friend of theirs and that’s one of the card went straight into her deck it was just for the fight it was just in case it’s not cheating because well buying cards I don’t think it’s a rule in the island
            So yeah everything else like that goes as canon like he starts placing like cards I mean female Joey She starts playing the cards is Canon and then she places kruk which whenever he gets summoned I don’t remember The female Harpy lady duelist name but whenever he comes out she blushes a little bit and try to clear mind questioning why did I blush at the card even though he does have a smoking look and then she says what am I Saying
            Whenever kruk came out he said what do we have here for beautiful ladies after that the heart bees and the harpy lady told us blushed a lot
            And I can will tell you what anything else pretty much I’ll tell you more if you ever make 