
Sorry to anyone awaiting Shadows Rising and/or Fold of War. I have been stuck on writer’s block for quite some time, but have finally gotten back on it! Hope everyone is having a lovely day/evening/night and I hope to get new chapters out soon <3


Yesterday and today, as the news spread of our legend TechnoBlade's passing, is very difficult. He was such an incredible person and inspired so many people including myself. Both the real and the story world will never be the same; however, just as he coined the phrase "Technoblade never dies" it left a legacy. That legacy will never die. As long as we remember him, he will always be around.
          Gods, I'm gonna miss him.


Your story, Victim of Heroes looks so good! I need to remember to read it. Also , glad to see you've been enjoying some of my works as well!


Thank you so much!


@TheMossyMadame Thank you very much! Your stories are incredible and I love all the directions you take them in