
Happy New Year!!! 


are you still alive because I loveyour writing ;-;


Yup! Still alive! Just really freaking busy lately and having a bit of writers block. I'll try my best to get back into wattpad again! Also, thank you for the complement.  Stay awesome and hopefully you'll see some updates soon :D


Oh my gosh guys! I haven't been on forever.... well, I've been on the app reading but not on Wattpad using the web browser and may I say, has it changed!!!! At the moment, I'm in vacation for a bit in Canada (British Columbia), but I'll have a look at all your comments and reply back as soon as I can as well as follow back all the lovely people that have been following me while I've been gone. Thanks to all the amazing followers who have stuck with me even while I've been gone. I've just had no motivation to write at all, but I'll try my best to get the motivation back, even if it means writing a whole new story! So sorry for not being on lately, being in high school sucks with all the homework, even if I don't have as many tests as my friends do. I'll try to update every so often and I need to get to cleaning up my page a bit due to some of my "nonsense writing" moments. 
          Love u all (not in a weird way.... >.<), 
          Edd ;3 <3


Thank you all for 800+ followers! You guys are all amazing and I will try to post more often. Thanks again, Edd ;3 <3


Upcoming drama in NSOM: #LanableRose anyone? Muahahhahahahaha!!! @RoseLover570 is gonna HATE me!!!


@RoseLover570 Muhahahahahhahahahahaha!!!!! >:D


Hey guys! I'm gonna join @RoseLover570 on Omegle tomorrow at noon time around 12:00 PM, South Carolina Time. Be sure to join in for our random fun to just chillax and shizzle!!!! See you then!
          -Edd ;D <3


@EnderDragonDreamer Oh and the secret word (interest) is RoseLover570