Hey haven't updated my stories in a long time... sorta have an author block and I have been busy with my yt channel... do you guys have any ideas for the alternate 6 mlp fan fic, and for Loretta Hilltop V Tom Riddle (hp fanfic)?


Hey haven't updated my stories in a long time... sorta have an author block and I have been busy with my yt channel... do you guys have any ideas for the alternate 6 mlp fan fic, and for Loretta Hilltop V Tom Riddle (hp fanfic)?


Hey guys be sure to stay connected and remember to stay tuned for when I post a new part to a story. I like to entertain others with stories so it's gr8!
          Thanks for people's support and feedback! Really appreciate it! THANK YOU


@EmsisEPIC AND THANKS FOR 200 VIEWS ON MY FIRST HP FANFIC EVER! 1 more view until 200!


Hi people, book worms, nerds, potatoes, dinosaurs, anamatronics, animaniacs (anime fans), lions, eagles, snakes, badgers, Potter heads, bronies, pegasisters, cool people and many many mlre.
          I am glad you are enjoying my stories! I enjoy writing the stories on wattpad so much. There is so much effort that goes into writing. I alsl want to thank the people that write amazing stories. Love them so much. Anyways that's all folks. TTFN (TATA FOR NOW)!


@EmsisEPIC Firstly it is so rude to call my house a garbage dump. Secondly we are still figuring out the potato thing.. so maybe I don't know


@Charlotte_64 1st of all you live in a garbage dumb and there is a lot of garbage... how would i fit? 2nd of all Are you back with Barney the dinosaur.


@EmsisEPIC That is offensive to all the potatoes whom are out there fighting in war!! And here you are using this foul language to me whom is one of the potatoes! You know I could sue you for this offensive language and get you thrown into the garbage dump back where you belong!