Hey I'm a person. I'm emo and like the avengers. 

My favourite songs are Hear Me by Imagine Dragons, SING by My Chemical Romance, and Nicotine by Panic! At The Disco.

I love Loki Laufeyson, Bucky Barnes, and Steve Rogers with all of my heart, along with their actors.

My favourite movies that aren't Marvel related are Dances With Wolves and The Sound Of Music.

I might write a story but if I do it won't have an updating schedule thing. Sometimes I go on writing sprees and other times I have writers block for a month or longer. You never can tell with me.

There will be swearing on my account so leave if you can't handle it.

I like cheese.

If you want a new parent let me know and I'll adopt you lol. I adopt a lot of people so you'll have many siblings.

School sucks.

I should probably stop writing my bio now lmao. See ya.
  • Avengers Tower
  • IscrittoOctober 25, 2019