
Next chaper is gonna be a long one !!(KuroShou)


@M_LocalWeeb woo! Just finished.


I just wanted to say, I like to keep my chapters short, because, its easier on me, i can (might) get a bit more out and it's for those who don't have a lot on time like me as well, it's really annoying when you have to stop mid-chapter so, I just felt the need to say this Incase anyone was wondering.


Uhmm so I'm thinking about closing the SakuAtsu fic, so sorry if you wanted more, I will do a proper ending I won't just leavit there but yeah, I have sorta lost motivation for it and just want to focus on the KuroShou fic instead so yeah. 


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Just updated the KuroShou story in like forever, I do have school starting soon so, yah I most likely won't be here for a while. So if I dissapear. Don't be surprised. Although I don't think you will be since I never update shit so BYE!