
I'm thinking stopping the experiment and starting a new book...any of my friends irl know what this book is. I also am thinking about writing a book about a blind girl I'm torn so I want to see what other people think 


@gazellelion already on it (imagine me saying that in a stupid white girl voice)


I think that you should write the dimensions book that you were talking about. It sounds super interesting


I'm thinking stopping the experiment and starting a new book...any of my friends irl know what this book is. I also am thinking about writing a book about a blind girl I'm torn so I want to see what other people think 


@gazellelion already on it (imagine me saying that in a stupid white girl voice)


I think that you should write the dimensions book that you were talking about. It sounds super interesting


I will be posting new parts every sunday now, so tomorrow I will be starting that


@camasrose12 wow um saw you watched Dan and Phil good for you you're probably now Phan trash 


@Emmaob19 Ha! I am SUCH an inconsistent updater. I'm rewriting My Sister Stole My Body! because it was so awful. I have a cringe attack now every time I think about it. I don't know if the new one is going to be much better, but I really hope it is. The characters are a year older now, because 5th grade seems too young, and plus now I have middle school experience. I really think it's incredible how terrible my writing was in 5th grade compared to now. It literally completely changed over the course of one summer. The worst part is, I actually thought it was really good. My friends would tell me what a good writer I was, but when I asked about it now, I got the cold, hard, truth. I managed to laugh about it, but inside I was screaming :'C. I'm over it now, though. I am fully aware of how ignorant I was, and that my writing sucked. I just fixed the second chapter first, so I have to finish redoing 'James' and I'll publish the first two chapters! Yaaaay! I don't think it's very good, but I just thought that I needed another book out there besides PJO/HoO Jokes and Quotes, because that's not really writing. Well anyway, sorry for annoying you.


Yeah right past self 