
Sorry for going missing guys. It's been a rough two weeks in my family and I had no time to prepare the chapters I had hoped to finish before my trip. I'm back now though and hope to get back on track starting Monday. Please keep reading because I haven't even gotten to the best part! Thank you all! <333


Sorry for going missing guys. It's been a rough two weeks in my family and I had no time to prepare the chapters I had hoped to finish before my trip. I'm back now though and hope to get back on track starting Monday. Please keep reading because I haven't even gotten to the best part! Thank you all! <333


Hey everyone! Tomorrow's part is going to be bumped back to Monday. I don't feel like it's ready for you guys yet, and I want you all to experience it the right way! Catch up over the weekend and get excited for the next chapter! I love you guys! Thank you for being patient with me! <3


Part 6 will be up in less than two hours! I'm so excited guys! Part 7 is officially scheduled for Friday as well, so the next time I post will be Part 8 on Monday! I've got a system going here, and I intend to keep it! Love you all! <3


PART SIX IS COMING! The next part of A Snake's Crutch is scheduled to post at 12 am American Mountain Standard Time! Watch for it! I'm really excited to get these posted for you! Part 7 is schedule for the same time Friday morning so watch out!


NEW CHAPTER IS POSTED!!! Thank you all for being patient with me! I have been so crazy busy this summer that I haven't been able to post these chapters and it's been killing me! I hope to get at least one more chapter out this week because I'm so ready to get to the middle of the book! This is going to be interesting! Love you guys!!! You are all beautiful and amazing!