
hi, authors! whats up? I havent really been active these few months. its kinda sad... but its okay! I'm here again


New story published! Read "Bon Appetit!". 
          During a break-up with Darren, Paige Demillo pulls an innocent man into their relationship. Unexpectedly, that guy was newly working at her favorite high-end restaurant named "Bon Appetit!" as the head chef. With high hope and dream, she also begins her chef career in the said resto, to be working with Cairo Escallo. 
          Through different encounters, she believes he is the one meant for her. But then, her family opposes due to the lifestyle differences and high expectations. What will happen to their relationship? Will there be another hindrance?



Hello, sorry for shamelessly plugging. I hope you can visit my profile and checkout my stories. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
          P.s. you can follow me and I'll follow you back. Thank you!