
Hey all, it's been a while and I am so sorry about that. Life has been crazy as it sometimes can be. I've gone through a very long bought of depression the last three years of high school and I am sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I have rediscovered this platform after being away and I want to get back into it. So please be patient with me as I take on being a college sophomore that also works, but still loves writing. I'm gonna try and bounce back from this almost three-year hiatus and bring some new content. As for Marcy's story, I still want to continue but that will be on hold for now. However, I have discovered BTS (please don't hate me)so hold onto your panties as I throw up (literally) this bts fanfic real quick, and maybe I'll eventually have more inspiration, but honestly bts are getting me through a lot right now so... I hope whoever is left can understand and will still appreciate what I have to write. Thanks to everyone who has stuck by me.


Hey all, it's been a while and I am so sorry about that. Life has been crazy as it sometimes can be. I've gone through a very long bought of depression the last three years of high school and I am sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I have rediscovered this platform after being away and I want to get back into it. So please be patient with me as I take on being a college sophomore that also works, but still loves writing. I'm gonna try and bounce back from this almost three-year hiatus and bring some new content. As for Marcy's story, I still want to continue but that will be on hold for now. However, I have discovered BTS (please don't hate me)so hold onto your panties as I throw up (literally) this bts fanfic real quick, and maybe I'll eventually have more inspiration, but honestly bts are getting me through a lot right now so... I hope whoever is left can understand and will still appreciate what I have to write. Thanks to everyone who has stuck by me.