
Going to discontinue Lingering Love for a bit, I'm writing the old fashioned way, pencil and paper, and starting a better Harry and Felicia story, I'll upload it when I'm done, so enjoy that as it is, there might be one more chapter, look out for it
          	Warm wishes, Emily


Going to discontinue Lingering Love for a bit, I'm writing the old fashioned way, pencil and paper, and starting a better Harry and Felicia story, I'll upload it when I'm done, so enjoy that as it is, there might be one more chapter, look out for it
          Warm wishes, Emily


Sorry, but another message that I have my new fan fiction I'm working on called Lingering Love, a Harry Osborn x Felicia Hardy story, I've finished chapter one and put it out, so id recommend you take a look and I'm working on chapter two!