
It’s been 3 years since I last did anything on Wattpad. Four years since I last wrote something and uploaded it. The characters of yesteryear have long awaited their creator’s return, to see the next sunrise in their harrowing tale. After all, what living creature doesn’t want to see the next sunrise? 
          	However, the tales I told four years ago are no longer in the forefront of my mind. The story of the comically hard to pronounce Tangurple and his friends is one I have since put to rest, knowing full well I’ll never finish it, for one reason or another. It’s a shame too because that was two years of consistent writing and output at a level I’ve never been able to replicate.
          	However, not all is lost. My writing skills have not dulled nor rusted. Rather, I’ve been doing some casual writing, a paragraph here, a sentence there. My life is finally secure with a proper job and confirmed position security, I am financially stable and I have the free time to be motivated and the joy back in my eye to write again. 
          	It’s been a long three or four years, depending on when you’re counting my departure. I return with a new story, still fantasy focused, but I’ve committed fully to the fantasy element, leaving out the more convoluted aspects of VRMMORPGs and sci-fi isekai-ing. This new book is called “Heart of Oak”, part of a new series I’m calling “Of Hearts and Minds”
          	To keep it simple, a very powerful creature of ancient times returns with no memories and a few friends. He must recover his memories and stave off the warhawk neighbors.
          	I’m glad to be back


It’s been 3 years since I last did anything on Wattpad. Four years since I last wrote something and uploaded it. The characters of yesteryear have long awaited their creator’s return, to see the next sunrise in their harrowing tale. After all, what living creature doesn’t want to see the next sunrise? 
          However, the tales I told four years ago are no longer in the forefront of my mind. The story of the comically hard to pronounce Tangurple and his friends is one I have since put to rest, knowing full well I’ll never finish it, for one reason or another. It’s a shame too because that was two years of consistent writing and output at a level I’ve never been able to replicate.
          However, not all is lost. My writing skills have not dulled nor rusted. Rather, I’ve been doing some casual writing, a paragraph here, a sentence there. My life is finally secure with a proper job and confirmed position security, I am financially stable and I have the free time to be motivated and the joy back in my eye to write again. 
          It’s been a long three or four years, depending on when you’re counting my departure. I return with a new story, still fantasy focused, but I’ve committed fully to the fantasy element, leaving out the more convoluted aspects of VRMMORPGs and sci-fi isekai-ing. This new book is called “Heart of Oak”, part of a new series I’m calling “Of Hearts and Minds”
          To keep it simple, a very powerful creature of ancient times returns with no memories and a few friends. He must recover his memories and stave off the warhawk neighbors.
          I’m glad to be back


A year and a half, plus minus a few weeks since I last uploaded. The story is one that I’ve neglected. The characters are frozen in time, forced to relive moments that have already occurred, unable to see what their future holds. Perhaps it is time to give them a future, to give them a story that’ll define their life once more. To them, their world is slowed, going by at a speed the galaxy can’t see. To us, their world is paused and without end, staring at a wall of darkness as the light of the keystrokes has yet to describe what comes next. 
          It’s time to make the keystrokes write the next scene…


It’s March. Almost one year since Covid started...
          Horrible memories...
          That aside, I’ve been only partially productive in the past year as I’ve lacked any creativity or inspiration to write. However, I’ve started up a new story concept which revolves around my NS nation. 
          NS is short for Nationstates.net, it’s a RP sim where you run your own nation. On there I’m part of an RP region in which we wage war and do all sorts of bizarre stuff. My next story idea revolves around my nation and its interactions with the other nations of that region. 
          How am I to actually write this? Hell if I know. Gonna wing it with some plot points and go from there. 


Happy Halloween!
          Long live the night of spooks, ghouls and nightmares! Tonight is a feast, that all who died may attend. Tonight is a celebration of death coming back to life. Tonight is the night to haunt clergymen, priests, and the pope. Keep your travels safe for the night is short, don’t cut it shorter by being careless


(@Emil-Bronz) woah, that was great, happy halloween!!


Been nearly six months since I last did something. I do apologize for it. Between online classes and my slight gaming addiction, I’ve unfortunately neglected to follow through with updates. Status update revolves mostly on claiming that my inspiration still hasn’t returned and have only written 2 pages since April. Truly a sad state of affairs. I still plan on finishing book 4, dont worry. Only one chapter left to write. 
          We’re two months out from Halloween though which means it’s time for me to write another Halloween short. Assuming I still have an audience left, y’all got any ideas?


          Hopefully the lot of ya are maintaining good health. If not then welcome to the party that’s slowly going insane. I’ll be furious is this quarantine goes into the summer...
          Rage and insanity aside, I’m doing mass uploading tonight to get the version here caught up to what I have on google docs. Welcome to my fun where I have to change the format from manuscript to wattpad mobile friendly....
          So much enter key pressing... ugh. 


Mornin. I apologize for not uploading the rest of Ember Wind Setting Stone. I haven’t been doing much writing since last summer with only the Hallows Eve story to show for the past six months. While I’ve had the off time from school due to the COVID-19, I haven’t done any writing. I guess this extended break from writing has hampered my enthusiasm to return to it. 
          Regardless, I’m going to be doing my best to get back on track to at least two chapters a month and finish this book as it is long overdue. 
          That aside, I hope y’all are taking care of yourselves in this chaotic time. So much for the 2020’s being the party era, huh. Stay Clean, practice hygiene and try not to cough or sneeze in public. Unless it’s a very long line, then make sure you’re heard. 


To all ya Michiganders and other folk affected by the snow storm Jacob. Keep off the roads, avoid driving low riding cars and cars without 4x4. 
          Especially when the rains kick in during the afternoon and turn to ice by Sunday. 
          Be careful lads