why hello there!
my name is Storyteller

I started writing stories when I was around 10 years old, I wrote them about almost any subject that I liked. (the second and first world war, Napoleonic area, Fantasy, etc.) it mostly had to do with history.

I am now 17 years old, and I have less and less time to write stories. but I keep doing it whenever I can.
don't expect to much of my writing, I never studied literature, or anything related to that, plus I am not even British or American. I am Dutch so I am not even writing my stories in my native language, plus: romance books seem to reign supreme on this site, and I am not at all, into that kind of genre, so it can be hard to get a lot of reads on your work if it has nothing to do with romance.
and... if you read even one chapter of any of my stories, you might notice that my work is often a bit complex and chaotic, be prepared for that, I didn't notice that myself before some people pointed that out to me. this is due to the fact that I have a chaotic mind, ideas for the story of a book emerge and are easily replaced by new ones in the matter of minutes, or sometimes seconds, which can sometimes lead to me changing my mind about what I want to do with a part of the book while writing it. (I noticed this was the biggest problem I had with 'A World Beyond' in the end it didn't turn out the way I wanted it.)
I write Horror stories, as well as Fan-fiction, but I think my best stories came from the fantasy and historical-fiction genre. but as I noticed before I am not good at judging my on work, so I guess you will have to find out for yourself if you decide to read some of it.

also... I like Dragons, and most of my Fantasy works has Dragons in them. (with most, I basically mean all of them... )
  • Netherlands/Holland
  • JoinedMarch 16, 2017