
Also have a qpr Convex headcanon to celebrate:
          	Everyone has their own ritual after the Life Series, especially Scar. 
          	He ended Third Life excitedly talking to Cub about everything that happened, until Cub noticed how much he was hurt so Cub forced Scar to sit down and let him treat Scar’s injuries. 
          	After Last Life Scar flew off to be alone, but Cub found him and, again, covered his injuries until he to explained everything. 
          	And from then, it slowly became tradition that after every Life Series, or after a particularly tough session, Scar would just collapse in Cub’s lap and just let his friend handle his injuries, probably give him a massage, in silence. Scar’s too exhausted to talk (and normally falls asleep at some point), Cub knows Scar won’t want a lot of talking after the chaos and noise of the series, and that he needs to unwind before talking. After Scar’s injuries are handled, and he wakes up, the two just spend further day or so cuddling together as Scar talks about how the series went. 
          	Both of them know how much the other benefits from this.
          	Because of how physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting the Life Series is, Scar just needs to collapse afterwards. He needs somewhere quiet to recover from the overstimulation and chaos of everything, but also needs someone to remind him that people aren’t dangerous anymore, he’s safe, people are there to help him. And he needs medical care too.
          	Meanwhile, Cub needs to know Scar’s ok, and by having time to deal with his friend’s injuries, clean away the blood, he can reassure himself that nothing life-threatening has happened. As well as this, Cub always feels slightly guilty and helpless at being unable to help Scar within the series. So by helping him afterwards, he feels better again. 
          	And the two have been without each other for a while. They miss each other, and want to spend time with each other without other hermits there, or worrying about doing anything else. 
          	So we get Convex cuddles.


@EmberDragon34 aw this is really sweet ^-^
          	  and love qpr headcanons
          	  "to remind him that people aren’t dangerous anymore, he’s safe, people are there to help him." *trying not to tear up*


Also have a qpr Convex headcanon to celebrate:
          Everyone has their own ritual after the Life Series, especially Scar. 
          He ended Third Life excitedly talking to Cub about everything that happened, until Cub noticed how much he was hurt so Cub forced Scar to sit down and let him treat Scar’s injuries. 
          After Last Life Scar flew off to be alone, but Cub found him and, again, covered his injuries until he to explained everything. 
          And from then, it slowly became tradition that after every Life Series, or after a particularly tough session, Scar would just collapse in Cub’s lap and just let his friend handle his injuries, probably give him a massage, in silence. Scar’s too exhausted to talk (and normally falls asleep at some point), Cub knows Scar won’t want a lot of talking after the chaos and noise of the series, and that he needs to unwind before talking. After Scar’s injuries are handled, and he wakes up, the two just spend further day or so cuddling together as Scar talks about how the series went. 
          Both of them know how much the other benefits from this.
          Because of how physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting the Life Series is, Scar just needs to collapse afterwards. He needs somewhere quiet to recover from the overstimulation and chaos of everything, but also needs someone to remind him that people aren’t dangerous anymore, he’s safe, people are there to help him. And he needs medical care too.
          Meanwhile, Cub needs to know Scar’s ok, and by having time to deal with his friend’s injuries, clean away the blood, he can reassure himself that nothing life-threatening has happened. As well as this, Cub always feels slightly guilty and helpless at being unable to help Scar within the series. So by helping him afterwards, he feels better again. 
          And the two have been without each other for a while. They miss each other, and want to spend time with each other without other hermits there, or worrying about doing anything else. 
          So we get Convex cuddles.


@EmberDragon34 aw this is really sweet ^-^
            and love qpr headcanons
            "to remind him that people aren’t dangerous anymore, he’s safe, people are there to help him." *trying not to tear up*


Pride month! 
          Time to make aro and ace jokes to my unsuspecting parents and question my gender even more! :D


@I_am_a_Frog_ I didn’t think I did…


@EmberDragon34 I don't have a gender to question! :D


Headcanon: Cub has a collection of IOUs from Scar. Not just 4 or 5. He has over 500 of them. But he doesn’t use them because:
          A: he prefers coercing Scar into doing what he wants because he knows he can and he’d fascinated by what Scar will just willingly do without questioning.
          B: he feels it’s cheating if he just uses an IOU because then Scar doesn’t have a choice.
          C: if something goes wrong, he wants to be able to blame Scar because tEchNiCalLy, you didn’t have to agree to this
          D: he wants to see how many he can get before Scar realises he has this many
          And he doesn’t want to sell them because 
          A: they’re his IOUs. Not anyone else’s
          B: he feels it’s weird to be selling other people free labour from his best friend
          C: he can’t see how many he has if he sells them.
          Cleo also has a lot of IOUs from Joe. However they DO use them, whenever they can, and likes using them as a threat to get Joe to obey her. 
          ‘If you push me in lava, this IOU will be for you to kill all the mobs in Scar’s base.’ 
          And at the same time, Joe likes Cleo giving them IOU so he can find loopholes in them and annoy Cleo further


@EmberDragon34 two types of couple


Real Life SMP headcanon:
          It was a dream because the Watchers needed Cleo or Gem to win a life series after they got too certain that Gem was going to win Secret Life and build a stained glass window of her.
          It sounded more serious on Tumblr, ok?


@FutureMango Yes! 
            The Life Series just all fits together so well


@EmberDragon34 Have you seen the thing where all the pairs keep winning (if you count real life)?
            Grian and Scar
            3rd life and secret life
            Scott and Pearl
            last life and double life
            Martyn and Cleo
            limited life and real life


            The Watchers getting ahead of themselves and messing up is hilarious-


My mum got exposed to a very minor Life Series ramble earlier today upon asking why Hermitcraft was my special interest.
          She said she was zoning out at that
          Mum you don’t know the full extent of it
          THAT was not a proper ramble


@EmberDragon34 my mom would have a lot to put up with with my rambling about Hermitcraft and the Life Series and writing.... If I talked about them


@EmberDragon34 And they’re L O N G sentences either way


@EmberDragon34 as a person who REGULARLY sends whole-ass ESSAY paragraphs to my friends and over-explains EVERYTHING, I get that
            If I say like, six or seven sentences on something, thats considered VERY short 
            My normal is usually closer to 15


Thanks for all the advice on my midwrite crisis
          I think I was just tired, and I’m in the middle of big exams so I haven’t had time to write. And so I keep thinking the reason I don’t write is because I don’t have motivation, not because I don’t have time.
          Looking back this morning, it doesn’t appear as apocalyptic and hopeless. And I’m definitely not in danger of losing my special interest, because I have literally nothing to replace it
          I was just tired last night
          I will try and work on the next chapter of The Secret of Flying today and also try not to focus on the numbers of comments as the sign of people enjoying my work. 
          Though please spam my (recent) Wattpad books because I like reading comments because I get to hear people’s thoughts while reading my work and I can see when the emotional of comedic or whatever bits are working. (If you wan.  No pressure)


@EmberDragon34 Wattpad has been giving me the worst ads while reading lately, but I will gladly spam your AO3


It appears that AO3, instead of giving me a new platform for my writing, has in fact stopped me doing any because I don't know where to write now. 
          I just need to continue writing The Secret of Flying somewhere, and it'll be alright.
          But I just hate writing on AO3 because I don't get many comments and less people see it and I feel my writing needs to be better on there.
          Idk I might just need a break from writing but that might also mean I can't get back into writing again and before you know it I've got a new special interest and don't write here very much at all.


@EmberDragon34 I agree with JadedSundragon, I use Google docs. It allows me to format how I like (just empty lines inbetween paragraphs), and check the word count. With checking the word count you can either see the total, or you can select a section and see it for there (it helps when I write multiple chapters in one doc, or when I have a outline or authors note idea in the doc). I’d honestly recommend trying it if you haven’t already. It works on any device (I mostly write on phone, but Google is everywhere).
            The only issue for me is when I paste it from docs to Wattpad, the text is black. I find it only happens with the Wattpad app though, not the website. If you like to crosspost, I find having the story in one place then posting it on each when pasting is easiest, especially with an undo button incase anything goes wrong, and you can look back at version history for changes and older version of the doc. 
            Also there’s a huge difference between how AO3 and Wattpad work, effecting how people see your works. On Wattpad there’s algorithms and it’s more community focused, while on AO3 there’s no algorithm (you can filter for most popular stories and that’s it), people can filter on anything and that can reduce your stories getting seen because it might not have a tag they want, or they filter for completed fics. It’s shows what’s posted more recently first, rather than most viewed. I think it’s just luck for who’ll see your post. 


@EmberDragon34 I write in Google Docs so I get the formatting I need, and I can also see my word count pretty easily (ctrl + shift + C on my HP laptop).
            In terms of how many people see it, I tend to get more people on AO3 than I do on Wattpad. Wattpad counts any view (no matter how brief) of any story part as a read, while AO3 counts each individual reader. If I go into Wattpad's statistics, opposed to my AO3 statistics, I see a lot fewer readers than I expect.
            There's nothing wrong with saying "Feel free to leave some kudos if you enjoyed :)"
            Comments are more difficult to get on AO3 because people are shy. That's it. People are shy. Sometimes the best you can do is invite them to make comments, and that's it.
            (And psst- secret tags like "[X] needs a hug" can help a lot.)
            Really, though, from someone who began cross-posting a while ago, you just need time. It takes a while for people to begin discovering your work, and that's okay. Write for the sake of writing and improving, not for views/kudos. Challenge yourself and pace yourself. Try new things. Experiment. Play with it like Play-Doh (and it's edible this time-). If you need to take a step back, take a step back. Observe. Stalk your favourite writers. Stalk your favourite tags. Find that one song that gives you good vibes and just vibe. Honestly, it's just the long game sometimes.
            (And if you ever want writing exercises, I gotchu. My English teacher gave me quite a few weird ones that really made me think differently about how I write and changed my writing for the better, I think)


@EmberDragon34 oh also in general I've found more people see it. AO3 is views on the story totalled while Wattpad is views on each chapter added up
            Like if you have a five part story and the same number of people read it on both platforms you would have 5k on Wattpad and 1k on ao3


          Blame @JadedSundragon


@I_am_a_Frog_ I'm not sure, but I know that I have no regrets :)




@I_am_a_Frog_ I am now basically a god


One moment I was designing Watchers the next moment they were basically giant half-human insects wtf happened


@EmberDragon34 I love that concept, ironically even though I have a fear of bugs


@AmythistStarr yeahhhhh
            But it is cool