Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go
-E. L. Doctorow

I'm a Dutchie, and I love writing English books. (No, I don't own wooden shoes)

Some facts that I think you would enjoy:

If you could have one superpower what would it be?

I would want to have the power that I can stop time, there is so much to do and usually so little time.

What is one thing you don't like?

-Cheese. I Like it melted on my grilled cheese and pizza (Yum) But cold cheese, No! (And yes I'm still Dutch even though I don't like cheese)

If you could be one animal, what would it be?

- I would want to be a turtle because I love turtles and I can go explore the oceans.

What Movies/ Shows/company do you like the best?
-Anything crime related
- Pirates of the Caribbean.

Who is your favorite superhero?

-I can't choose! there are so many. But I'll pick two. Captain America (Don't forget to breathe while looking at his face) and The Flash (He is so awesome )

What is the weirdest/gross thing you have ever eaten?

-A tentacle of an octopus with the sucky knobs still on it. Don't ask, please.

Why did you start writing?

I write because it's a way to express my creativity in words. I write because it relaxes me. I write because I love to. What more is there to say?

Please contact me for any questions or art by emberbentleywattpad@gmail.com

-Ember Bentley.

_ Every book that I have written on this profile is 100% My work. I did not and don't want to copy someone else's ideas. Everyone has their own creativity. So I would also love it if no one copied my work. Thank you!_
  • Somewhere on Earth...Nah I'm from Mars!
  • JoinedJune 20, 2014

3 Reading Lists