
Anyone wanna go to a cavetown live concert with me  I love his songs so much


When's Dream doing his face reveal I haven't slept in 3 days. Please Dream do you face reveal so I cam finaly sleeppp


@Ema3296 We are not sure but I think I remember a clip of him saying that he wants to do it before Sunday night. So I think we need to watch for posts from him on Sundays


I think I'm going to leave the dream SMP fandom, I just can't take the all the hate I'm getting from people, my friends and classmates. I won't stop writing my book but I will not talk about the Dream SMP or watch any of them. I know the hate won't stop and the pain of someone you love and trust making fun of you because of what you like. The fandom did nothing wroung they were more then amazing. This isn't a joke. Goodbye for now.


It’s kind of sad a lot of people that are in the dream SMP fandom get A lot of hate, it’s mostly because of the creators past. I do get hate from some of my friends too for being in the fandom. There’s no wrong for leaving a fandom, if you feel like you’re not comfortable in this fandom anymore that’s ok if you want to leave. It’s your choice if you want to stay or if you want to leave.  I just hope this backlash of you writing stuff about the dream SMP or talking about it will stop. I hope you have a wonderful night :)