
Hey guys,
          	SO I know I've been MIA with stranded for last... forever, apologies to all of you aching to know what's gonna happen next for the young werewolf alphas. But have no fear, fore I am currently working on a new chapter and hope to have it published very soon. 
          	So keep your eyes on the screen, and keep reading! Love you guys, thanks for hanging in there with me all these long months. 


Hey guys,
          SO I know I've been MIA with stranded for last... forever, apologies to all of you aching to know what's gonna happen next for the young werewolf alphas. But have no fear, fore I am currently working on a new chapter and hope to have it published very soon. 
          So keep your eyes on the screen, and keep reading! Love you guys, thanks for hanging in there with me all these long months. 


Hello my lovelies,
          I know it's been awhile since I've written anything on some of my stories, my apologies, my life has been a whirlwind of crazy the last few months. Thank you so much for sticking with me anyway, love all of you delightful bundles of strange. 
          ANy-who, wanted to let anyone who reads "Starting Over" that I've made a tiny change to the plotline. Not too big of a change this early on, but I encourage you to go back and reread. If you don't, no biggie, you'll catch on pretty quick.
          Thank you guys so much for your patience, again,
          Forever Strange,


Aloha, my lovelies,
          So sorry about how long it's taking between updates. Just moved into my own place a while ago and now I have almost no time trying to get enough hours to pay rent and all the other fun bills that come along with adult hood, you all know how it is. Also, my kitties seem absolutely obssessed with ensuring I do not post, lol.
          Any-who, I hope you enjoy the latest post on Stranded, Sorry it's a little short but I'll try to update again soon! THank you for all your support and for sticking with me in all these long gaps. I love you guys tons!! 
          Let me know what you think, your feedback means so much to me.
          Happy trails, mi amigos!