
Since y'all don't know how to behave with your comments and attitudes to writers, I am no longer taking or writing requests. The ones I have will be the last released requests.
          	My homeboy Inarii is being treated with blatant disrespect by the community here and it's honestly disgusting. Take a look at yourselves and ask what you're doing with yourself.


Since y'all don't know how to behave with your comments and attitudes to writers, I am no longer taking or writing requests. The ones I have will be the last released requests.
          My homeboy Inarii is being treated with blatant disrespect by the community here and it's honestly disgusting. Take a look at yourselves and ask what you're doing with yourself.


Hey guys. I know it seems like I’m never really *off* a hiatus but I need to be real and open with you guys.
          Since August last year I’ve been struggling with something quite personal - this has been dealt with accordingly now. Since then, my mental health has been a wild rollercoaster ride and where I live in a shared house / with housemates, sometimes their life can affect mine too. I’m hoping to move house soon, so I may not be active for most of July.
          I’m just putting all this out there because I don’t want you guys to think I’m vanishing off the face of Wattpad. I do write my drafts, I just can’t get them to a point of what I would consider ready to post, which is why recent posts and near future posts will be headcanons instead of fully fledged fanfiction chapters.
          This being said, I have everyone’s requests written down and am drafting out notes. 
          Regarding More Than Human, this was written when I was well and truly OBSESSED with D:BH. I’m not giving up on it, it’s just my lowest priority to write for and may even get re-written because I look back and kinda cringe at it.
          Thank you everyone for all your incredible patience and understanding. I’m so proud to have such a supportive fanbase.
          Remember to stay hydrated, eat something, take your meds and have a shower.
          Love always, Elven  


@MysticLucy Thank you darling >w<  <33


          I now have an AO3 account, where I’m thinking of moving my own works to and keeping requests to Wattpad.
          This’ll help things stay tidy for myself, if you wanna drop a follow, my username is still the same! (ElvenxWarrior) 
          Current works that aren’t requested will still stay in the Wattpad book but I’ll also be posting them there and any new unrequested works will go straight there :) 


Hi everyone!
          Thank you all for the requests that have come in!
          I’m going on a bit of a break for a while - life is really stressful rn so I need to be doing what’s best for me.
          I’ll be writing from time to time but I can’t promise speedy posts or anything like that.
          Your patience and understanding has been incredible and I love you all 
          Remember to stay hydrated, eat something, take any medication you need to, have a shower and love yourself,
          Lots of Love,


muah muah 


guys!!! important please backup your work!! wattpad is bring sold to South Korea and they will do 2 good things, first- if REAL people under 18 would be making out in your story then it will be deleted and if they are NOT real then it will stay. second-  if your book is famous and gets a lot of votes then you will get coins in wattpad!!. but still backup your work!!


@mxxnbyun I think it’s more save it to a device or post on another writing website! 
            @Gay_Alien0 thanks for the heads up dude! Sorry I’ve only just seen this




It’s my birthday! I’m now 20~ I’m going to be spending it updating fics so please expect more chapters! 
          Requests for all oneshot collections will be open for Christmas 
          Beginning Dec 15th and Finishing Dec 27th and I plan to take on no more than 15 requests at once so bag yourself a spot when they open up! Please send me a message if you wish to request 
          Be safe, stay healthy, remember: You Matter ‍♀️


@Gay_Alien0 AHHH THANK YOU, I DID!! 




Hi! i really like how you write and I wanted to ask for your opinion! I just started writing bnha smut so I wanted someone talented to tell me honestly how it looks. Thank you so much <3


Aahhh of course!! Thank you!! Pop me a DM on here or Instagram (same username) and we can discuss! <333