
Book deleted and author unfollowed. Too raas haunted ova ya kmt


@ElleEllisPatt arite, whatever works XD


@-ADAJAY- and u know mi naa go turn off notifs. Once mi notice smaddy take over mi notifications wid d BS mi a delete and unfollow. It works wonders. Can't have 100s from one with things mi already read and can't see the new chapters from a book I'm reading. If it's an author that I like their work, mi will go search now n again to see if any new work out. Apart from that, toodles


@ElleEllisPatt i get that but it’s a two-sided coin. writers delete & reupload for various reasons, & readers have various reactions to if a book is no longer accessible. we can’t all have what we want XD so ig another solution for you is to turn off notifs.. from both an author & reader perspective - i know how overwhelming constant notifs can be at times 


Book deleted and author unfollowed. Too raas haunted ova ya kmt


@ElleEllisPatt arite, whatever works XD


@-ADAJAY- and u know mi naa go turn off notifs. Once mi notice smaddy take over mi notifications wid d BS mi a delete and unfollow. It works wonders. Can't have 100s from one with things mi already read and can't see the new chapters from a book I'm reading. If it's an author that I like their work, mi will go search now n again to see if any new work out. Apart from that, toodles


@ElleEllisPatt i get that but it’s a two-sided coin. writers delete & reupload for various reasons, & readers have various reactions to if a book is no longer accessible. we can’t all have what we want XD so ig another solution for you is to turn off notifs.. from both an author & reader perspective - i know how overwhelming constant notifs can be at times 


Why unu a delete d books n then re upload everything at once??? Damn that's annoying 


Mi delete filter n add it bk n it work. Sign out n sign in


@ElleEllisPatt mi try that already..filter and bouji for a man


@ElleEllisPatt which books? Wattpad naa work good. Try delete d book from library n add it bk 


Looking for a good Jamaican book without a Don, somebody wid a 9-5, a regular man. Completed or regular updates. Tired of waiting for WEEKSSS only to get one chapter 


@ElleEllisPatt hopefully d author Dem a see 