
Hey there Reading Mice! Go check out my new stories, HEARTWOOD and Can You Hear Me? on my profile now! If you want to talk about the stories or anything else at all, come join me in my Discord server! Or, on the Literary Lounge’s Discord in my corner! Links below! 
          	Library Mice: https://discord.gg/u8cr7QKW
          	Literary Lounge: https://discord.gg/UD7t7pN


Hi Eli! I just wanna ask how you got the badge beside your name, I'm kind of curious about it- It's okay if you can't tell me or something, I just feel like it's confidential xD.


Yes lol so sorry I didn’t see this sooner! I was a Wattpad ambassador for I believe two years? I just recently quit because of not having the time:) 


@XxRandom_DoodXx it’s good( ✌︎'ω')✌︎


@Apple_beary Thank u for sharing that apple- I've searched it after posting this message on their board and apparently what you said is true.


I am so happy to announce that Not Another Cliché has been fully uploaded to Wattpad today! (Sorry, I forgot to again yesterday xD) Please check out the last chapter for what I have to say! Keep an eye out, I plan to update that story more in the future, I have a playlist in mind I’d like to share soon and some possible bonus chapters as well! Thank you all for reading <3 
          Read it here: https://www.wattpad.com/1273676872?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=Eli_Mouse&wp_originator=iTFbQUTEeRP%2FhEqY4V61GGip5KXV5IaZchxuj%2BLmyCfgfG1vjYg4wxMTdYs9frCcuA40o195TQCIQbYsWkN%2FMLpWb4qFdh6a4QRM1hnmCyhzBN5yuFwVjljU4b91Ou9t
          -Eli <3




Hey Reading Mice! I’ve got a new story for y’all today, “Not Another Cliche” is my Gen 3 contest entry. I plan on updating three times a week until the story is fully uploaded (which won’t take long). Anyway, I’ll leave it on that note, I’m not feeling too great today. I look forward to your thoughts, I hope you love it ❤️
          Chapter 1 - https://www.wattpad.com/1266521817?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=Eli_Mouse&wp_originator=NnoiDxywjMOCcGQB2Ozo43e8hP%2FceqI%2FU62eDjSZhbOdn1PoCaEUkMcW4kDPpL9hY7%2FywchxTIx0olOjq%2FPcCn6%2FhL%2F2zC%2BOsBCh9TvW6q1gPMYWsJC3BVx%2BPdNqQdrF


Hey there, Reading Mice! It’s been a hot minute. Happy Pride Month! I uploaded a little wallpaper I made of Trenton and Kai to kick of June with a little color <3 They both have had a bit of a character redesign as my art has begun to improve! I hope you love it! <3 
          Wanna see more of my art? You can join the Discord server linked below! I have a little corner there where I share sneak peaks of what I’m working on regarding my art work and writing! I’d love to see you there <3