
New story published go take a look please would mean a lot!


So very soon I am starting a whole new book and if you have noticed I have unpublished my old books as i have nothing compelling me to keep up with them as sad as that is..but I have a new book coming and it's took a twist from my earlier story's and is very very different it shall be a story on a kidnapping/stalking of a boy. If anyone has any words or anything to say to me please message me asap as I do take my readers reasons to mind,kindest regards 
          Eleanor xox


Ellie, I'm very sad that you left, but you didn't have to, your readers enjoy you.... Just know we all miss you so and want you back.... We miss your stories and art, We miss everything..... We all hope you will come back.... One day.... For us..... But we do respect your choices... And that's all we can do as you are my senapi.... I just want you back.... You will be in my wattpad memories