
I’m curious — who’s still active, and what fun thing did you do today?


I’m on and off. As for something fun… I slept


@Evastarunit73 Woah! If you post a picture somewhere, I would be stoked to go have a look at it. That sounds awesome!


@EkemWrites Lol yeah, it was a very strange experience. The rescue folks tried to grab him with a net, but he got out of it and ran, but because he tripped I basically was able to slide tackle him like a football. (He was luckily in molt, so he couldn’t take off.) Despite laying in goose poop, I felt like an action hero (lol), and we saved a goose. Win-win!


I’m curious — who’s still active, and what fun thing did you do today?


I’m on and off. As for something fun… I slept


@Evastarunit73 Woah! If you post a picture somewhere, I would be stoked to go have a look at it. That sounds awesome!


@EkemWrites Lol yeah, it was a very strange experience. The rescue folks tried to grab him with a net, but he got out of it and ran, but because he tripped I basically was able to slide tackle him like a football. (He was luckily in molt, so he couldn’t take off.) Despite laying in goose poop, I felt like an action hero (lol), and we saved a goose. Win-win!


"In the Quran it is stated that Allah created time. It is the story he has woven for us to look upon, to learn from, and to remember. For Him our past and future is like a script which He can read from where He wants. What we will do in our future is in front of Him. And what happens to us…” 
          He glanced over at the ghost a second time, feeling a terrible warmth crawling up his throat. “W-What happens to us… i-isn’t in our control.”y
          Here's another snippet of my WIP from These Wounds Bleed Black! If you want to be a Potential Beta Reader for the first ten chapters, don't forget to check out my site!
          Also, yes, I am very dead on here, but I pretty much have to get this book done so I won't really be on here for a little while. (and thank you so much for the kind graduation messages !)


@Zatlair I’m actually not, but I was studying like hell to figure it out and understand the religion for one of my characters in TWBB


@EkemWrites  never knew you were a Muslim



@EkemWrites Congratulations on graduating!! 


Congratulations my dude, I wish you the best on your future endeavors 


@EkemWrites Bonsoir,
            Toutes mes félicitations, pour l'obtention de votre diplôme.


WATTYS 2024 will officially be my FINAL Wattys entrance on Wattpad. It’s sad to realize this, but I’ve reached a point in my life where I have to turn my attention to the more important things at hand, such as my incoming jobs post graduation.
          I’m going to enter at least two stories (FINTAIL and KINGDOMS), but I do not have any good finished products to really deliver to the table. So my chances are very slim and, given my lack of updates, even more slim.
          But I wish all good luck on this if you are entering. I know you guys are going to kill it!


@EkemWrites  Bonsoir,
            Je vous souhaite d'obtenir votre diplôme, comme nous disons chez-nous ( merde). 
             Bonne chance pour votre recherche d'emplois, j'ai hâte personnellement de lire vos livres, je vous souhaite une bonne continuation.


@EkemWrites Good Luck! I'm not entering this year as I did last time.Too much on my plate. Although I entered my sci-fi LGBTQ novel for the Pride month contest. Glad I finished that last year. That was the one I officially submitted for the 2023 Wattys, but as in the past, didn't win and didn't even get on the 1st batch either. But I'll try again next year if time permits. I'm also finishing my short story Embracing Wanderlust (I chose the word wanderlust cause the prompt has to do with traveling in the past!) Hoping to submit this weekend, deadline is on May 31st. Not hoping for much, but I hope you know the saying "You won't know, if you don't try" which is the idiom I follow.


"I am going to make you watch what you sacrificed a millennium of life for die before your eyes. I want you to smell the blood of your beautiful kin. I want it to rot in your lungs like eggs on a spit. And then…”
          His talons sunk an inch deeper, forcing yet another cry from the longsnout. The alien drew close, marking a lick against her trembling snout, then grinned.
          “I’ll kill you… when I feel like I’ve done enough.”
          A new chapter of FINTAIL will be released tomorrow, as well as a sneak peek for the following chapter, which will sort of kind of reveal what the heck's going on in that book.
          (sorry reposted due to a spoiler)