
Nothing like a scene from a movie triggering you and reminding you about your ex...heh..anyone else eh? Gotta love it....heh..eh..


Soooo yeah..it's way early in the morning and Im still awake..
           You ever just..play through a conversation in your head...that was from your ex ..and..then you get to the part that still..still cuts through you like a blade tipped with acid..? Yeah..hah. #me rn...it hurts a lot, and its not helping my tears that a fan is blowing in my face hah..! But yeah, if your wondering why I'm up I guess there's a reason..have a good night, and yeah, hope all's well!..


Is it 6:30 in the morning? Yes- have I stayed up all night? Yes- what was I doing? Just hating the world and myself. Cleaning the house because of how messy and chaotic it is, trying to do all that because I love my mom and want to help her depression. I hope everyone is having a good morning and I hope I have a good sleep. Least I'm somewhat used to this lol, so peace! Also I'd love more friends to chat with? Gets kinda lonely in ma "skoonk den" haha anyways- night y'all! 

