
I just added Chapter 4 to my story Salomé. Come check it out if you haven't already, and don't forget to vote. :) 


Heya, thank you for the follow.


@Raiza_11 Awesome! I'll check it out. Let me know what you think about Salomé. :D


@Raiza_11 Yep yep. Recommend one of your works to me.


Let me know what you guys think. The Accent, plot synopsis: 
          Is Liliana Rex going insane, or is everyone she knows involved in a conspiracy? The accent she lost years ago found its way home, and this could mark the end of her perfect life. A tale of crippling love and anxiety, The Accent questions free-will in the face of fate and mortality. It will leave you breathless until the very end. 


Hey, my few followers! I have no idea if we actually enjoy each other's company. But, disregarding the ambiguity of our relationship, come take a look at the beginning serialization of my novel, "The Accent," and let me know what you think. The first chapter will be up this Friday, and the basic synopsis will be posted tomorrow. See you later, thugs.