
Ok apperantly wattpad went crazy, and everyone wrote stuff on my message board, but i cant find it anywhere lolol screww me


Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please update its Jackson not riddle it's an amazing story and I don't know why you haven't updated it I love it and I really hope you answer all of our call thank you


If it's not too much to ask could you read my book Pretender. Its dedicated to New Years.


And that's all of plot I'm going to give away, so far there's only one chapter posted but in a few weeks I'll start posting the rest. I pretty much have the book finished, I'm just editing and adding a few extra chapters now.


Its about a villain who knew Jason Todd when she was younger. But because he abandoned her and her other friend Adden, Adden died and she was stuck being a villain and is forced through a strange program oversees by the Oval which is a secret branch of The Light. The training mainly consists of certain books that mess with your emotions, and voices that are constantly shouting your names, there are other factors that I won't get into. She ends up poisoning Mrs.Martian, and is now on the League's radar. She hands over the cure but not before endangering Red Hood's identity. While all this happens another up and coming criminal organization threatens to kill one of their operatives, Saa (Sai) Lessere (Less-yere). But it turns out they were actually after something far more valubale.


@RosildaJones id love to! What is it about?