
I currently have three pages in my personal book “Anxiety is a Heavy Weight” I’d be thankful if anyone checks it out! ^ ^


Idk if y’all know or listen to stray kids but I wanted to say I might not post for a bit cause I’m really torn up about my woobear.
          If you don’t know, a kpop boy group by the name of stray kids had a member, that being the lead singer, Kim Woojin, had his contract with jyp entertainment canceled abruptly. It was a shock and devastation to many fans (called STAY) including myself. 
          I’ve lost Both sleep and tears over this news and other more personal problems in my life and need time to recover. 
          I apologise if I forget to post or my work becomes “half-assed” I just need some time. 
          If anyone else is also a STAY and is struggling to get overcome this pain please direct message me! I will do what I can to comfort you! <3
          byebye and I hope to write soon


Hey! So I edited "Traffic Lights" a bit!!!
          If you havent already, please read the three chapters I have up. I'd also love to hear feedback and such! 
          At the moment, I'm writing up chapter 4... so you shall see it soon!!!
          p.s. I hope in the future to rewrite this when I have more experience and am better at writing! so stay tuned!!!