Uhh, I don't really know what ya wanna know about me so, I suppose I'll tell ya a little of everything. I'm a gay furry if that wasn't apparent. I like EDM/dance and rock music so if y'all ever want to start a conversation with me in dms or something I'd be more then happy to talk. My favorite band is Solence though if you asked me why I honestly wouldn't be able to give you an answer. I like talking with people and helping them through hard times because I know what it's like to be in their position. I'm an aspiring writer though I'm probably not that good. Another very important thing to know about me is that I have super bad self-confidence issues which is weird because of how high of a bar I set for myself. I think that's it? Oh, if ya ever want to give me tips about my writing I would be more then happy to accept them or really just anything, just don't be a huge dick about it. Also, you'll find me apologizing for everything. One last thing, if you try and hit it off with me (which idk why you would)I'll probably just end up ignoring you.

Edit: I know this is honestly super bad but I'm keeping it this way because I find it funny.
  • Why would you wanna know you stalker?
  • JoinedAugust 12, 2020