
I got some really nice comments on familiaris recently and even though I've kind of fallen out of touch with TUA im kind of inspiring now. Not just that but I never fully realised how successful it has become!! Thank you so much for all the love and I sincerely hope more people find enjoyment in the very small amount that I've written. You never know, I might find myself updating in the near future  much love to you all!


I got some really nice comments on familiaris recently and even though I've kind of fallen out of touch with TUA im kind of inspiring now. Not just that but I never fully realised how successful it has become!! Thank you so much for all the love and I sincerely hope more people find enjoyment in the very small amount that I've written. You never know, I might find myself updating in the near future  much love to you all!


I'm sorry for the lack of updates recently. What started out as a tiny bit of writer's block for very bad very quick. My dad died last week and I've really not been in the right place to do anything. I've started a couple of chapters for familiaris and daredevil! so I'll try to finish them. Love you all.


god okay ive been trying to write a daredevil fic but as hard as i try i just..... cant see matt as straight and i know no-one would read it if imade him gay
          like the way he's written, netflix show at least? just screams gay to me. i know obviously hes had multiple straight relationships but idk, maybe im just projecting. obv im not catholic but the way hes written is very close to my experiences as a religious gay person. like thatone line "why did he put the devil in me" is an obvious reference to his violent tendancies but its very close to something i said when i was younger and i thought God would hate me becayuse im gay......... idk im drunk and i Stan Gay Matt...............