
Hallo my fellow Wattpadians, i am so sorry for the minimal amount of updates, and i am terribly sorry that i gave you false hope of another chapter with a new story....multiple times. 
          	Please let me know what your favorite story is, or which one you'd like me to update so that i can work on that one and that one only, otherwise, i will have to continue updating in the willy nilly way that i do
          	PEACE OUT :D


Hallo my fellow Wattpadians, i am so sorry for the minimal amount of updates, and i am terribly sorry that i gave you false hope of another chapter with a new story....multiple times. 
          Please let me know what your favorite story is, or which one you'd like me to update so that i can work on that one and that one only, otherwise, i will have to continue updating in the willy nilly way that i do
          PEACE OUT :D


in a few seconds
          Hey fellow wattpadians, i need a bit of help with one of my stories, i have the first three chapters, but i'm stuck on the fourth, could you please help me? The story is My Enemy, My Friend, and my brain is just refusing to come up with any ideas (Creative or otherwise) as to who the chapter should be about, and what should happen. Thank you for letting me take six seconds of your time, and Peace out!


 I am having a hard time with ideas for the chapter, and I am just asking if anyone has any ideas they would like to put in the next chapter. 


I am here... what's the problem you facing with...!


Threw, she threw the armadillo across the room.
          ANIMAL ABUSE!!!! Poor armadillo! *sadface*. 
          Lol, I love that description!


Aw thank you so much!! :) I wrote that poem at a particularly low moment in my life, but God really helped me turn It around near the end! :D I'm glad you like it!


I've got to hand it to you, that sentence had made my day all the better, and I love your sense of humour! And I agree, that mental image is very funny and, in a weird sense, makes sense...? I wonder why! XD
            P.S Thanks el darado for thy wisdom. XD
            I loved your "I'm Broken" poem, and I actually voted for it as well, it felt very heartfelt to me.  I think you have a talent for writing and should never give it up!
            ~Sincerely, PetalFur


XD I thought about putting dictionary, but the image of an armadillo flying across the room was more appealing (besides which, I don't think they would get hurt all that much: source of info comes from El Darado.) :D