
I love when I find a wonderful story that is completed (wahoo) and so awesome to read. Here is a great one I loves. Fourtris  author is @moll46 


@Dulce129 aw thank you so much!!


I have the Allegiant movie playing in the background while I am reading fanfic.  One of my favorite scenes in the movie - towards the end when Tris and Four reunite in Chicago and they have their passionate kisses, Tris says I love you... etc.  And CHRISTINA is standing right there.  Watching them.  
          The thought of "We Can Be Mended" putting Tobias and Christina together is so disturbing to me.  No point speculating, and we won't know until it is officially released...but all I can say #nothankyou
          Anyone see the movie Pearl Harbor with Ben Affleck... No one wants to see the wonderful best friend become sloppy seconds when Plan A is no longer available.  There is a reason that movie bombed.  
          ** rant over **


its been a while, but thank you for all the support. i dont think ive ever said how truly grateful i am for all your sweet comments and replies :-)


I'm always promoted to read when an update occurs. Has it been a while ;)
            Love you work - look forward to your updates.  I try ASAP after I'm notified. Xoxo 


5 facts about me, tagged by @divergentlover_ and @divergentascendant
          1. I am a mommy with two little girls (ages 4 & 2), I adore them.  And they also keep me on my toes!  Two very strong willed kids.
          2. I saw the Divergent Movie on HBO (loved it) and immediately saw the Insurgent movie after - and then read all three books.  Love the books BUT I love the movies MORE.  I didn't care for the bickering between Four and Tris throughout.
          3. Earlier this year I was laid off from my corporate job of almost 13 YEARS - - it was a shock and a hard blow...but seeing the glass half full and I have been making some great changes in my life since then.  Enjoying much more time with my girls and running my own business.
          4.  I really love reading Fan fiction - my fav series being Divergent, I also enjoy Tangled (I know!) and recently discovered The Selection series, and then fan fac.  I love reading all the works of talented writers. 
          5. I have a few solid plot ideas - and in the future I plan to write my first fan fic story - I will start with Divergent.  Some solid advice I got from an awesome writer - write most of the story BEFORE starting to post.  Which I can agree with - it kills me (lol) when a story is left on a cliff hanger for "ever" ;-)
          Thanks for reading!
          Tagging: @pretendingtofly  and @Slushie260 to keep it going :-)