
Hey guys, I just wanted to apologise for the lack of updates on Twisted Beauty. I'm currently studying at university, and I honestly have so little free time at the moment. I'm hoping to start posting again soon, but it might end up being every second week rather than every week. :)


Heyy, I just wanted to let u know I came across your comment on Instagram and I checked Ur profile to see you have a wattpad account. So hey there:)  Have a good day.


@Victoriarriiaa  Awesome, thanks so much for checking it out :)


Hey guys, I just wanted to apologise for the lack of updates on Twisted Beauty. I'm currently studying at university, and I honestly have so little free time at the moment. I'm hoping to start posting again soon, but it might end up being every second week rather than every week. :)


Chapter forty-six of Twisted Beauty has just been published - and I just have to say that I was looking forward to this one scene! I am so proud of Belle (Yes, I know it's a random fictional character I made up, but let me be happy here---). I just had to say this because I'm just really happy with it! Happy reading :)


Just letting you guys know my publishing will be paused for the next few weeks - I'm going on a road trip! I can't publish chapters without the internet or my computer, but it shouldn't be long until I update again. Thank yall for all the support xoxo


After two long years, I'm happy to announce the release of The Woods! I have been working on this as a part of my Queen's Award, and I'm super excited to share it!
          Be sure to check it out here:
          And to be reminded of its updates (every Tuesday evening), follow my Insta - I put chapter updates/releases on my story, and announce new books through posts.
          Have a great evening ;)


          May I please have your permission to read your series, Brooklyn High Murders, on my YouTube channel. 
          It’s a very small channel. 
          I will credit your username, and provide a link to each part when it goes live. 
          My recording schedule is very limited, so it may take up to a month or more for the first part to be released. 
          Please let me know either way. 
          A link to my channel is available upon request. 
          Thank you 
          Mikey Zee


Thank you so much. I have stories scheduled to post into the first week in July. Our story will be the next series I do. So it should be out around the second week of July. I will post a link on here to each part, with a “Full Story” post following the last part. 
            I will credit “Duck_OnQuack” as the writer, unless otherwise specified. Is that ok with you?


@MichaelZendler I just checked out your channel - and I'd love it if you do my book. Again, I'm honoured that you even offered!
            I subscribed so I can keep up with it :)


Hey guys! Just letting you know that I now have an Instagram account devoted to my Wattpad works. If you follow me, I'll keep you up to date on any book updates, future novels, and so on. Feel free to message me there as well :)
          Here's the link:
          In other news, I have unpublished all of my stories that are on hold. I know a few people were waiting for updates, but my life is chaotic atm. I will be rewriting and working on them one by one from now on.


Hello everyone! Just to let you know, I have completely written Twisted Beauty and I will be releasing s new chapter each week. I'm really happy with the rewritten version, and I hope you love it. The first chapter has just been posted :)