
New Bn story out, might be a one shot or a full fic


Hello everyone! I know I have a few stories that need updating, sorry I haven't yet I do hope to get around to it, but mainly Happy Pride Month!!! To celebrate it, I decided to make a Nickvie one shot book to all the Nickvie shippers out there, i hope you enjoy it if you read it, its fun writing something different :)


Hello! I have a few unfinished stories but I decided to post another one, its a BuckinghamNicks one with an idea I randomly came up with that I don't think has been done, it may have but I haven't seen it so its my take on a kind of AU Buckingham Nicks idea and I have a lot of plans if anyone is interested its called "Family Man?"


Belated Happy New Year to everyone, I am hoping this is a good one for us all! I also know I have a lot of stories I need to update but I decided to post an emotional one shot centred on Stevie Nicks, so if you are fans, I'm positing it now, hope you are all well and hopefully I will have more stories/chapters for you soon :)


Hi everyone, I am really smiling at all the lovely interaction I have got on my stories,  I wasn't expecting that, thank you! I am sorry though I haven't had much of a chance to add more yet, just life getting in the way but I hope to have more up soon, I just like feeling in a good creative place when I write so I can make my stories as interesting and real as possible, so hope to have some up soon and also, watch out, wattpad is glitching a fair bit, it might be just for me but my comments kept not registering as posted like they deleted themselves or something so I'm sorry if my comments or posts haven't come up but I did reply and I hope it fixes soon, best wishes to everyone and thank you all again!