
this message may be offensive
Don't watch Acolyte; it's a waste of time. Whatever you heard about how bad the series is, it's true. Like its purpose is about focusing on "diversity," more like racism, are they clearly trying to ignore showing the difference between the High Republic and the Prequel Republic? Like all I see is just the robes, nothing more, and a lesbian cult knockoff of the Nightsisters of Dathomir.
          	Like, "They won't accept you for who you are?" Like, what the fuck are they trying to deliver here? Like this flashback backstory fuckin sux and the "power of one" is so bloody, cringe as hell, like WHY, Disney, OUT OF ALL PEOPLE YOU HIRED, YOU HIRED A BLOODY ACTIVIST RATHER THAN THE ANDOR WRITER.
          	I am used to seeing this equation. I already know the plot so well. Like, no offence. An Asian master, a black guy, an alien—the protagonist is a female again. I have no offence to the female main character, but why the afrojack design? Can it be long hair or just bun hair, like CMON?
          	I play SWTOR as a female (I just like the voice acting, and I can't focus on playing the game with a female character; they have a hot voice and character), a Star Trek Online female character, and a Skyrim female character, and I'm not mad about the series having a female lead; it's just freaking bad writing.
          	They are being racist, saying that Afrojack is always for black people, bruh, like tell me that I'm wrong; Spider-Man 2 game miles went from I forgot the style name again to an afrojack, like im not kidding, every bloody game nowadays a black guy has an afrojack.


@DreadMaximus hell yeah I'm not watching any of that crap


When I heard about the 3rd episode I couldn’t believe that was ever authorized period. The whole kids birth is just lore breaking and the Jedi wouldn’t take them in since there both even worse than Anakin was from a Jedi POV, I’m curious why didn’t someone hire them to make a army of those kids and I bet the sith are rolling there eyes in chaos. 


this message may be offensive
Don't watch Acolyte; it's a waste of time. Whatever you heard about how bad the series is, it's true. Like its purpose is about focusing on "diversity," more like racism, are they clearly trying to ignore showing the difference between the High Republic and the Prequel Republic? Like all I see is just the robes, nothing more, and a lesbian cult knockoff of the Nightsisters of Dathomir.
          Like, "They won't accept you for who you are?" Like, what the fuck are they trying to deliver here? Like this flashback backstory fuckin sux and the "power of one" is so bloody, cringe as hell, like WHY, Disney, OUT OF ALL PEOPLE YOU HIRED, YOU HIRED A BLOODY ACTIVIST RATHER THAN THE ANDOR WRITER.
          I am used to seeing this equation. I already know the plot so well. Like, no offence. An Asian master, a black guy, an alien—the protagonist is a female again. I have no offence to the female main character, but why the afrojack design? Can it be long hair or just bun hair, like CMON?
          I play SWTOR as a female (I just like the voice acting, and I can't focus on playing the game with a female character; they have a hot voice and character), a Star Trek Online female character, and a Skyrim female character, and I'm not mad about the series having a female lead; it's just freaking bad writing.
          They are being racist, saying that Afrojack is always for black people, bruh, like tell me that I'm wrong; Spider-Man 2 game miles went from I forgot the style name again to an afrojack, like im not kidding, every bloody game nowadays a black guy has an afrojack.


@DreadMaximus hell yeah I'm not watching any of that crap


When I heard about the 3rd episode I couldn’t believe that was ever authorized period. The whole kids birth is just lore breaking and the Jedi wouldn’t take them in since there both even worse than Anakin was from a Jedi POV, I’m curious why didn’t someone hire them to make a army of those kids and I bet the sith are rolling there eyes in chaos. 


Ok i need an opinion from you guys. Should i kill count dooku during the clone wars or let the chosen one execute him during revenge of the sith?


@DreadMaximus trust me I’m doing the same thing guess we’re all in this boat together as writers. 


@Dagger2256 ill try but ill have to think outside the box and your suggestions is noted


@DreadMaximus Simple try to have mirage convince Dooku that Palpatine will cast them out once their use has been fulfilled just like what he did to Maul.
            Maybe have Dooku expose palpatine for who he is.


You see they got rid of personal messaging but if you download the app FanFiction.Net we could send message to each other because I have that app


Sorry I don't like using that app easy one time had pretty bad experience on it


@Darth_krayt1 Cause im not used to fanfiction and i find like discord easier to conversate since I can get notification and upload my prototype without limits


You think you can make a transformers decepticon book


But i may add similar details from those series


@ShannonRich308 im not far depths into the story and the story is to perfect to be touched 


Okay, so I will need your assistance. I require a ship design that reflects my character and was in use before and during the prequel. I'm offering the Dominator Keldabe Class to the defensive fleet's "soon to be ally" rather than Ord Mantell, despite knowing it's a good option. I can't stop thinking about ships; therefore, time management is consuming a lot of my thoughts while I write this new chapter. So, let's strike a bargain. I will let you choose who you want to be; however, the first person to offer a ship design to me with a legitimate explanation will be included in one of my chapters. Right now, I need fresh characters, but I'm out of ideas.


I know that i may be new to writing and as an author but heres a tip. Stop doing harem, romance and stuff people want a story they can enjoy. A character development story is the best and you dont have to limit yoursekf you can just brainstorm ways to imolement that certain detail without it making it out of the blue and reasonable and unique. Dont follow others story of harem and stuff, make your own and take inspiration on which you can make it into your own ideal. Romance can be nice but dont go overboard just limit it by merely basic, no smut and lemon stuff its cringe and disgusting and does not assist in your character story. I read countless stories and every time i saw a (X harem) i know damn well its gonna have smut. So yea theres the tips.