
I need to play catch up with my #NBR comments. I'm WAY behind, and I don't want to rush the quality either. So updates here will be on hold for a little bit, until I can get that caught up.


Hey, it's great to see The Folveshch in your reading list, @Drakenhart! Hope you'll enjoy the read ^^


@Drakenhart Wow, thank you ^^ ♥️


@FinnyH Indeed! you are welcome. :) It looked interesting, and I got through the first chapter and was hooked! :)


Brother and Sister update: 
          After some solid feedback, and some research on omni- POV writing, I've opted to break up the "head hopping", as was suggested, and keep the POV switches to specific chapters. 
          Added a new first chapter (still draft phase) to really drive the horror aspect of the abuse Berta faces. That one was hard to write, for personal reasons.
          I also edited the chapter "Berta and Bruno" to cut the head hopping out, and add more suspense.


Not sure how Wattpadd does notifications, but I hope that my constant editing barrage hasn't chased anyone away?
          Anywho I did notice a drop in followers. Not a lot, but another comment on another contest caught my eye and made me wonder if Wattpadd updates followers based on published (or republished) pages? I couldn't find anything in the FAQs about it? Sooo.... yeah.
          Anywho no major page updates (I burned out a little on Doves Blood and trying to fix chapters back into the story that won't fit now....*sighs*)
          I signed up for a few contests, and need to catch up with my NBR comments that are behind. YUCK. Can't let that slide!


@Drakenhart No problem! ^^ If you're ever unsure of anything, drop by my inbox and I'll do what I can to help :)


@FinnyH Thanks! that's good to know. i appreciate it. :)


@Drakenhart Don't worry, the edits don't come up as a notif for people :) It's only when you publish a new part for the first time, or re-publish a part that has been reverted to draft. ^^


New chapter added: https://www.wattpad.com/401064543-honor-bound-initiates-1
          Unpublished a few of my earlier chapters for a re-write. Then opted to go with something a little more tension building and introducing the characters with the night before Affirmation.
          I opted to break it up into sections, as I'm trying to find a way to avoid the dreaded "head hopping". Not an easy task when you want to go deep POV and yet retain that higher third persona omni perspective. 
          *shrugs* it's an experiment. :)
          Also, I just noticed, as of this writing, Honor Bound has reached # 221 in Horror!


Fixed the "Cost of Friendship" chapter. It reads a lot better now. I had to write out the "what happened" and set it aside (it belongs in a different book, along a different arc).
          I'm tempted to cut "Roles" and "Affirmation" because it's not quite fitting into the flow....eesh.. It may be the beginnings of another book? I don't know....


Fixed Honor Bound's Chapter "Affirmation" so it read a little more smoothly - and am working on the next chapter wherein they get their assignments.
          Honor Bound has leaped to # 309 in Horror's top 1000 list. While Brother and Sister dropped to the 700's. I don't think I'll ever figure out the algorithm.